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YIG- Model Assembly January 5-8, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "YIG- Model Assembly January 5-8, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 YIG- Model Assembly January 5-8, 2017

2 agenda Thursday Schedule (including transportation) Session Book
Code of Conduct Dress Code Food options Evening Activities Delegation Meetings Sunday Schedule (including pick-up) Miscellaneous Information

3 Thursday schedule Bus Transportation Bus #1 Bus #2
Please attend school in the morning. Buses will pick up at the times below. Please be prompt so we can stay on schedule. There will be a place to store luggage at your school. Bus #1 10:30- Prior Lake High School – TBD 10:45- Hidden Oaks/ Twin Oaks- TBD 11:20- Shakopee Area Catholic School – Admin Office 11:30- Shakopee East Middle School– Mr. Davis Office 12:00- Shakopee High School (Atrium- just inside main office to the right) Bus #2 11:00- Jordan Middle School 11:15- Jordan High School 11:35- Shakopee West Middle School– PE Storage Closet (hall behind gym- room between locker rooms)

4 Hotel arrival Upon arrival at the Hilton, please proceed to the 3rd floor where we will find a space to meet to hand out room keys. Rooms may not be available when we arrive so please be patient. Please come to the conference in dress code appropriate clothing.

5 Session book You will receive your session book at the conference, You can also view them online at Download the YAPP Schedules for the entire weekend are located in the front portion of your session book. Please follow those schedules closely. Attendance is taken at the start of each program area so please be prompt. Conference bills and other submitted materials are also online. If your material did not get submitted on time, please speak with me to find out how to submit your work at the conference.



8 Code of conduct All persons attending the conference, youth and adults, have agreed to follow the code of conduct in its entirety. Dress code is observed at all times. This includes adults. You may only enter your assigned hotel room. If you enter another room, you will be sent home immediately. Wear your name tag at all times. Use of electronics during program time is restricted to business purposes only. No cell phones. No food or drink is allowed in meeting rooms.

9 Dress code-Participants, advisors and staff will follow a business dress code during program activities and official functions. Advisors are expected to adhere to dress code expectations at all times. Appropriate office/ business dress for men Appropriate office/ business dress for women Dress pants, collard shirt (with or without a tie) and dress shoes. Dress pants, collard shirt, sweater (with or without a tie) and dress shoes. Suit, dress shirt, tie and dress shoes. Dress pants, top and dress shoes Dress or skirt with top and dress shoes Suit, top, and dress shoes

10 Never appropriate outside of assigned hotel room
Any clothing with inappropriate language or imagery. Any see-through or extremely tight fitting clothing Bare midriffs or tank tops Tube tops, tube skirts or tube dresses Pajamas, slippers or any other sleeping attire Flip flops

11 Food options Food options and locations will vary depending on program area. Please follow the instructions of the program area specialists for specific information. Meals are all on your own. SKYWAY Participants must stay in groups of 3 or more when moving through the skyway, Nametags must be worn during meal times. Allow enough time to return to your program area for prompt start times.


13 Evening activities Thursday Friday Saturday In program areas
The Town Hall debates will be held at the Hilton. This is an opportunity to get to know the candidates running for office for the next year’s Model Assembly. The debates start at 7:30pm YIG FEST will take place between 7:00-9:00pm. The “Fantastic YIG Talent Show” will begin at 9:00pm. **Wear Delegation t-shirt! Saturday Several activities will run from 7:00-10:15pm including the Governor's Ball, YIG Fest, movies and the hospitality suite. **Casual dress is permitted for all evening activities.

14 Delegation meetings Each evening we will have a delegation meeting. Attendance is required. Please be on time to these meetings as we will be covering important information. We will have time for reflection- Also time for delegates running for positions to come see us.

15 Sunday schedule Programming runs until 4:00pm
We will arrive approximately at 5:00pm to the River Valley YMCA We will have two buses to pick up from the Minneapolis Hilton Hotel. Your luggage will be stored in SALON D- you will need to leave joint convention as a group and meet Krissy back at the hotel to load the bus. If for some reason you need to be picked up from the conference early, please speak with Krissy directly and have it in writing.

16 Miscellaneous information
If you need to leave the conference for any reason during the weekend, please check in and out of the Hotel Directors office. Please also communicate to Krissy in writing. If you do not feel well over the weekend, please notify Hotel Directors office. They will contact me so I know you are resting in your room.

17 Final Reminders Bring a Winter Jacket- everyone will have a slight walk at some point outside Parent/ Guardian is responsible to call in student with absence for Thursday half day and all day Friday Dress for your day on Thursday- Arrive at the Bus in Dress Code! Be prepared to walk- pack comfy shoes What you bring you need to carry- maybe 10 or more flights of stairs 

18 Emergency telephone number

Shakopee Delegation Director Mr. Stone Please contact Krissy with and questions, comments or concerns (office phone) (cell phone)

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