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CHAPTER TEN Designing Adaptive

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1 CHAPTER TEN Designing Adaptive
Structures Effective Management 2nd Edition Chuck Williams Prepared by Deborah Baker Texas Christian University

2 Departmentalization Customer Geographic Matrix Functional Product 1 1
CHAPTER TEN Departmentalization Customer Geographic Matrix Functional Product 1 1

3 Organizational Authority
CHAPTER TEN Organizational Authority Chain of Command The vertical line of authority in an organization Clarifies who reports to whom Unity of command workers report to only one boss matrix organizations violate this principle 2.1

4 Organizational Authority
CHAPTER TEN Organizational Authority Line versus Staff Authority Line authority the right to command immediate subordinates in the chain of command an activity that contributes directly to profit generation Staff authority the right to advise but not command others an activity that supports profit generation 2.2

5 Organizational Authority
CHAPTER TEN Organizational Authority Delegation of Authority: The assignment of direct authority and responsibility to a subordinate Manager Responsibility Authority Accountability Subordinate 2.3 Adapted from Exhibit 10.8

6 Degree of Centralization
CHAPTER TEN Degree of Centralization Centralization of authority primary authority is held by upper management Decentralization significant authority is found in lower levels of the organization Standardization solving problems by applying rules, procedures, and processes 2.4

7 Job Specialization Breaking jobs into small tasks
CHAPTER TEN Job Specialization Breaking jobs into small tasks Jobs are simple, easy to learn, and economical Can lead to boredom, low satisfaction, high absenteeism, and employee turnover 3.1

8 Job Rotation, Enlargement, & Enrichment
CHAPTER TEN Job Rotation, Enlargement, & Enrichment Job Rotation periodically moving workers from one specialized job to another Job Enlargement increasing the number of tasks performed by a worker Job Enrichment adding more tasks and authority to an employee’s job 3.2

9 Job Redesign Techniques
CHAPTER TEN Job Redesign Techniques Combining Tasks Forming Natural Work Units Establishing Client Relationships Vertically Loading the Job Opening Feedback Channels Adapted from Exhibit 10.10 3.3

10 Job Characteristics Model
CHAPTER TEN Job Characteristics Model Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback Experience Meaningfulness of Work Responsibility for Outcomes of Work Knowledge of Actual Results of Work Activities High Internal Work Motivation High-quality Work Performance High Satisfaction with Work Low Absenteeism & Turnover Core Job Dimensions Critical Psychological States Personal & Work Outcomes Adapted from Exhibit 10.10 3.3

11 Intraorganizational Processes - Reengineering
CHAPTER TEN Intraorganizational Processes - Reengineering The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes Intended to achieve dramatic improvements in performance Change the orientation from vertical to horizontal Changes task interdependence 4.1

12 Intraorganizational Processes
CHAPTER TEN Intraorganizational Processes Empowering Workers Permanently passing decision-making authority and responsibilities from managers to workers by giving them the information and resources they need to make good decisions A feeling of intrinsic motivation Workers perceive meaning in their work Employees are capable of self-determination 4.2

13 Intraorganizational Processes
CHAPTER TEN Intraorganizational Processes Behavioral Informality Behavioral Formality Spontaneity Casualness Interpersonal familiarity Routine & regimen Specific rules Impersonal attachment 4.3

14 Interorganizational Processes
CHAPTER TEN Interorganizational Processes Modular Organizations Virtual Organizations Boundaryless Organizations 5

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