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Sony Pictures Television International Production Review

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1 Sony Pictures Television International Production Review
April 21, 2011

2 Agenda Industry Trends – Light Entertainment 3
International Production Market Environment 4 International Production Strategy 5 Operational Overview 6-7 Production Group Structure / Map Operating Companies / Ownership Table Global Creative Council 8-11 The Creative Process GCC Overview Content Pipeline

3 Industry Trends – Light Entertainment
Worldwide YOY LE Volume1 Non-Scripted continues to grow 2010 format volumes increased or stayed the same in 72% of markets In 2011, more than 90% of industry executives expect the same or higher format volume.2 More channels are extending autumn and spring seasons, and looking to less expensive formats (as opposed to higher budget fiction series) as a cost- effective solution. 3 In 2010, non-scripted content surpassed fiction series as the largest segment of TV content worldwide.4 Top 5 format producing/acquiring countries: U.K. The Netherlands U.S. Norway Sweden Light Entertainment continues to occupy more top-ten show slots 4 Survey of 234 television executives “C21 Formats Report,” Spring 2011. Same as above. “One TV Year in the World,” Mediametrie and EurodataTV, 2011.

4 International Production Market Environment
Rapid industry consolidation continues; window closing to acquire major UK independents Key studios (e.g., NBCU, Warner Bros.) and regional competitors (e.g., All3media, Zodiak, Shine, Eyeworks, Banijay) aggressively expanding production operations, driving rapid consolidation of leading independent producers UK is top territory (with U.S.) in terms of size and for hit formats origination and strategically important for launching new global formats Recent economic recessionary environment has pressured business models of smaller companies Consolidation pace accelerated as larger players aimed to increase scale and enhance leverage with broadcasters as well as achieve cost synergies Netherlands and Nordics also leading sources for new high-potential formats France, Italy, Spain, Germany remain major markets for global format roll-out Turn territory and/or regional successes into global successes Europe (top priority region) Latin America Telenovelas still the dominant form of local programming One-hour dramas beginning to grow in region (e.g., Simuladores, Los Caballeros) Continuing sales demand from regional and US Hispanic broadcasters for finished programs Asia Strong growth in Indian market – immediate opportunity to establish local production business

5 International Production Strategy
Continue to create, complete and execute long-term retention plan for key talent Further expand network of production companies Build strong portfolio of companies in UK, a top priority Invest further in key European markets – e.g., France, Scandinavia, Poland, Russia Opportunistically expand into new strategic markets – e.g., India, Australia, Korea Continue to broaden scripted and non-scripted format and print catalog Increase cross-territory travelling of formats Increase percentage and number of re-commission rates for existing series Continue to further expand and accelerate interactive and digital businesses based on this year’s success – mobile, gaming/gambling Rebrand local production companies as part of “SPT” to capitalize on local market successes Continue to intensify and improve collaboration between U.S. and international productions e.g., licensing policy, interactive, advertiser funding programs, format acquisition, GCC Scripted Summit, Production Day, ultimate analysis

6 Current International Production Group Structure
Hilversum Beijing London Cologne Moscow Paris Rome Culver City New York Madrid Beirut Miami (Latin America/USH) Hong Kong Cairo Dubai Bogota Sao Paolo SPT International Production initially focused on the “Big 5” markets: (UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy), and have since expanded into 15 countries with 19 wholly-owned companies and joint ventures around the world. Buenos Aires Note: SPT is currently preparing to launch UK production JV named Victory Television

7 Operational Overview – Ownership Table

8 Global Creative Council (GCC)
The Creative Process IP Creation is primarily a local function with local management knowing needs of their markets Format creation and exploitation business depends on two factors : great ideas and great local companies to sell and produce those ideas The creative function, led by Chief Creative Officer (CCO) Mike Morley, fulfills those needs through an excellence in recruitment and development of executives In addition needs are fulfilled through a central coordination process via the GCC

9 Global Creative Council - Overview
Initiated by 2waytraffic prior to the acquisition by SPE and adopted within the overall International TV Production division in 2008 GCC role: Share information on new ideas across the group Stimulate the creative process through advice, expertise and financing Spot trends and opportunities within the biggest and most profitable markets GCC Meets every 3-4 months with bi-weekly structured conference calls – attendees list consists of CCO Mike Morley and chief creatives of all production companies Since GCC Implementation there has been growth in new shows being developed and sold (see appendices for latest status) Multi territory deals only happen if creativity extends into adaption – the skill of altering a format to fit local cultural and legal requirements GCC works with a budget to supplement local internal creation and also acquisition of promising 3rd party IP

10 Content Pipeline (1/2) Formats created by one SPT production company and sold by another SPT production company FORMAT CREATED BY SOLD IN Banger & Cash Gogglebox Germany Dr OZ US Armenia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Greece, Italy, Middle East, Russia The Duellist 2Way Traffic Italy Move Like Michael Belgium & Netherlands Nate Berkus Russia Plain Jane Canada (French), UK, Ukraine Stand Out From The Crowd Canada, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Philippines, Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine The Sing Off Egypt, Netherlands

11 Content Pipeline (2/2) Formats created by one SPT production company and being developed by another SPT production company FORMAT CREATED BY DEVELOPING Breakout Gogglebox Embassy Row Cover Me Tuvalu Germany, US Dancing Nation 3rd Party UK Dr OZ US France, Germany The Exit List Embassy Row, UK Gerry’s Big Decision Brazil, US Greatest Love Story Arabia Impossible Just My Luck Nasty Girls Germany The Sing Off Germany, UK The Substitute Arabia, Brazil, Germany Formats produced, in development or sold into another SPT network FORMAT CREATED BY SPT NETWORK Joint Decision/TAG! US In development at GSN Plain Jane US finished prints sold to SET LAT AM Who Do You Trust In negotiations at GSN for development deal

12 Sony Pictures Television International Production - Financial Overview
April 21, 2011

13 Consolidated Group Income
EBIT Profit Contribution Revenue (US$MMs) (US$MMs) (US$MMs) $31 $35 $432 $379 $20 $20 $22 $24 $200 Profits recognized from re-licensing of high margin programs were offset by lower than budgeted commissions in several production companies FY12 budget assumed to grow due to increased volume of commissions and through acquiring/launching new companies Post acquisition non-2waytraffic revenues have grown from $123MM to $146MM, an 8.8% CAGR. EBIT has increased from $4.1MM to $9MM, a 48.2% CAGR, over the same period

14 2waytraffic Revenue / EBITDA
Favorable International EBITDA primarily due to higher than budgeted WWTBAM sale in Germany, Italy, India, USA and Nigeria, offset by timing of rent allocations from operational overhead. Mobile is tracking lower than budget due to delay in launches in UK, Australia, Greece and Germany. ALP – not budgeted, business closed as of August. Favorable Operational Overhead due to timing of rent allocations to 2WT International and Mobile business lines. Intellygents Earnout Accrual Reversal was not budgeted. Favorable Purchase Price Amortization due to EUR to USD exchange rate.

15 2waytraffic – Top Formats

16 Investment Returns Update
(1) At 10% WACC and 2% perpetuity growth rate (2) Does not include transaction fees estimated at $5 - $7MM. These transaction fees have been accounted for in the IRR analysis. (3) Reflects investment decision based on investment in equity and excludes impact of capital structure.

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