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Predictors of early school leaving in Flemish secondary education P&V conference on early school leaving and youth unemployment Mieke Van Houtte.

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Presentation on theme: "Predictors of early school leaving in Flemish secondary education P&V conference on early school leaving and youth unemployment Mieke Van Houtte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predictors of early school leaving in Flemish secondary education P&V conference on early school leaving and youth unemployment Mieke Van Houtte

2 Starting point For decades: problem of student unqualified dropout in Western education Flanders: 10% to 15% of students in secondary school leave prematurely (Steunpunt Studie- en Schoolloopbanen, Van Landeghem et al.) To prevent dropout: insight into predictors necessary Definition dropout: Leaving secondary education prior to completion without qualification, diploma or minimal credential

3 International research into predictors:
push-factors and pull-factors Example pull-factor: paid parttime work (all else equal) (VLO )

4 social risk factors and academic risk factors
Correlates of intention to dropout Flemish secondary education (VLO ) social academic

5 Intention to dropout by track
(VLO )

6 Association track position and risk to dropout?
Flemish secondary education = hierarchical  different tracks ordered according to level of abstraction and theory consequence: technical and vocational bottom of ladder * knowledge society:  blue collar work little esteemed * future perspectives

7 - technical and vocational education often negative choice
- selection criterium  purely cognitive - in educational system, technical or vocational = failure

8 differentiation-polarisation theory
(Hargreaves, Lacey, Ball, Rosenbaum, …) differentiation: segregation of students based on academic criteria polarisation: origin of opposite groups of students, one group characterised as pro-school, the other as counter-school

9 ‘higher’ tracks = status
= positive experience ‘lower’ tracks = status-loss = failure  resistance against system * rejecting values system is based on (namely: hard working and competence) * looking for alternative sources of status result = counter-schoolculture Cascade reinforces effect!

10 Study attitudes by track (VLO 2004-2005)

11 alternative sources of status: ‘what adults do’ (Willis, 1977)
Alternative sources of status by track % (VLO ) Uitgaan: een keer per maand of meer Veel uitgaan: meerdere keren per week


13  interplay student-teacher-culture


15 Conclusion Prevention of early school leaving requires
knowledge on predictors Next to social and academic risk factors, in Flanders: vocational track as main predictor Important factors in vocational education: teacher support and sense of futility

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