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Lesson 1 Motivation.

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1 Lesson 1 Motivation

In pairs make a list of reasons for learning English that people might have

3 Reasons for Learning Languages
on the school curriculum the international language of communication - opportunities for advancement in people´s professional lives living either temporarily or permanently in a target language community (TLC) - to survive in that community ESP - English for Specific (or Special) Purposes (sometimes called EOP (English for Occupational Purposes) to write reports, essays or take part in seminars - EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Students of medicine or other scientific disciplines need to be able to read articles and textbooks about their subject in English. This is often referred to as EST (English for Science Technology) Culture - attracted to the culture of one of the TLCs

4 MOTIVATION In pairs – create a defïnition of motivation

5 Motivation some kind of internal drive that encourages someone to do something. If we discover a goal and that goal is attractive to us then we will want to achieve it. Make a list of SHORT-TERM GOALS and LONG-TERM GOALS Is it easier to motivate students with long-term or short term goals?

6 Types of motivation EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION - concerned with factors outside the classroom INTRINSIC MOTIVATION - concerned with that which takes place inside the classroom

7 EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION Integrative motivation
learners attracted by the culture of the Target Language Community and in its strongest form want to integrate themselves into the culture. A weaker form would be the wish to know as much as possible about the culture of the TLC. Instrumental motivation learners believe that mastery of the target language will be instrumental in getting them a better job, position or status. The language is an instrument in their gaining of such a goal.

8 Factors Other factors which have an impact on the level of extrinsic motivation are concerned with attitude to the language Previous experience as language learner Previous success or failure Teachers cannot do much about extrinsic motivation and learner attitude as it comes from outside the classroom

9 INTRINSIC MOTIVATION plays a more vital part in success or failure
Discuss in pairs: What affects intrinsic motivation?

10 Research has shown that following qualities are regarded as important:
The teacher makes the course interesting teaches good pronunciation speaks clearly speaks good English shows the same interest in all his/her students/pupils makes all the students/pupils participate shows great patience insists on the spoken language makes his/her students/pupils work uses audio-lingual method Method no research shows the success of one method over another learner confidence in the method is important Physical conditions

11 What affects success in children?
Give some examples of aspects that can influence long-term and short-term motivation.

12 Motivational activities
Games Audio-visual aids (pictures, realia, films, etc.) Projects Field trips Trips to the UK Playing roles, using real examples Competitions Newspapers and magazines Displays with students’ work

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