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Vocabulary Quarter 1.

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1 Vocabulary Quarter 1

2 What is a root? What is a root? What is a root?

3 Roots Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are all roots. When joined together these roots create new words!

4 What is a prefix? A root placed before the base.
Prefixes come at the beginning. Unicycle Bicycle Tricycle Motorcycle Recycle

5 A root placed after the base.
What is a suffix? A root placed after the base. It comes at the end. Hard  base Harder Hardest Color  base Colorful Colorless

6 What is a base? The base is the word that describes the main idea.
Unicycle Bicycle Tricycle Motorcycle Recycle Colorful Colorless Harder Hardest

7 Directional prefix in- and im-
Directional in- and im- = in, on, into It tells us the direction of something, such as the heart being inside the chest. Inhale = to breathe in Include = to place in a class, category, etc. Impress = make a mark or design on an object Imprison = to put in prison or jail Inspect = to look into something carefully

8 Negative Prefix in- and im-
Negative in- and im- = not Incomplete = not complete Impossible = not possible Immature = not mature Incorrect = not correct

9 Directional or Negative in-?
Inside  D or N Inspect  D or N Indirect  D or N Inactive  D or N Input  D or N Inhale  D or N Inject  D or N Incomplete  D or N Insert  D or N Invisible  D or N

10 clude spect merse habit vent plode press port side
in- im- Include Inspect Inhabit Invent Inside Implode Immerse Impress import

11 Prefixes con-, com-, and col-
Contract Connect Conference What do you think the prefix con means? Turn and talk!

12 The prefixes con-, com-, and col- mean “with” or “together”
Contract = a written or verbal agreement that people make together Connect = to bring together or into contact Conference = a formal meeting for discussion with two or more people

13 Compete baseball cards Community a car accident Collision The Olympics Collection people in the same school Do you see how “with” and “together” fit with each word’s meaning?

14 A place to read or learn together
College Prefix Base means Word means col Leg = read Col + read = A place to read or learn together

15 Collide Prefix Base means Word means col Lid = slide Col + slide =
To slide together

16 To gather objects together
Collect Prefix Base means Word means col Lect = gather Col + gather = To gather objects together

17 Things together in a small or tiny place
Compact Prefix Base means Word means com pact = together Com + together = Things together in a small or tiny place

18 Compress Prefix Base means Word means com press = press Com + press =
To press together

19 The way something is put together
Composition Prefix Base means Word means com posit = put Com + put = The way something is put together

20 Combine Prefix Base means Word means com bin = pair Com + pair =
Put things together

21 To play with others in a game or sport
Compete Prefix Base means Word means com pet = seek Com + seek = To play with others in a game or sport **Seek = to try to find something

22 To fill up with something
Complete Prefix Base means Word means com plet = fill Com + fill = To fill up with something

23 An object that you pledge with to show your word when you borrow money
Collateral Prefix Base means Word means col later = side Col + side = An object that you pledge with to show your word when you borrow money

24 Centrate pact mune pile
coct fer struct panion press duct ference bine con- com-

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