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Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives

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Presentation on theme: "Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives

2 “Bandit’s Roost:” Mulberry St,. New York City, 1889

3 Italian Ragpicker, 1888

4 Mrs. Consuelo Vanderbilt and Son

5 Basement Saloon, 1890

6 Five Cents’ Lodging, 1892

7 Mrs. Vanderbilt’s bedroom

8 “Ready for Sabbath,” Coal Cellar

9 Dining Hall, Newport R.I.

10 A place for the night


12 Astor family cottage, Newport, R.I.

13 Women’s Lodging, 47th Precinct

14 Tenement Yard

15 Tenement “sweatshop”

16 “Idle Hours,” H. Siddons Mowbray

17 Edward Hine

18 Street Urchin, 1910

19 “Newsie,” 1909

20 Street scene, Chicago

21 Carolina Mill Girl, 1908

22 Crippled Steelworker, 1908

23 Three girls, 1910

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