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Galatians Chapter 3. Galatians Chapter 3 Outline of the book of Galatians Justification By Faith Apart From the Law I. Paul’s Defense Of His Apostleship.

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2 Galatians Chapter 3

3 Outline of the book of Galatians
Justification By Faith Apart From the Law I. Paul’s Defense Of His Apostleship (1-2) II. Justification By Faith Apart From The Law (3-4) III. Practical (5-6)

4 “An Apostle - Not of Men, But of God ”
Galatians 1 “An Apostle - Not of Men, But of God ” I. The Claim Made (vv. 1-5) II. The Warning Given (vv. 6-9) III. The Evidence Provided (vv )

5 “An Apostle - Not of Men, But of God ”
Galatians 1 “An Apostle - Not of Men, But of God ” A. Claim: Independent apostleship (vv ) B. Evidence: (vv ) 1. From his life before his conversion (vv ) 2. From his conversion (vv ) 3. From his first visit to Jerusalem (vv ) 4. From his stay in Syria & Cilicia (vv )

6 “Not An Inferior Apostle ”
Galatians 2 “Not An Inferior Apostle ” I. Approved By The Apostles At The Jerusalem Conference (vv. 1-10) II. Reproved Peter (vv )

7 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” 11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith."

8 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

9 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

10 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) A. Rebuke for their departure (vv. 1, 3, 4) B. Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or faith (vv. 2, 3, 5)?

11 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

12 Abraham – Powerful Point to The Jews
Matt 3:9 “and do not think to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.” John 8:33 “They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say, ‘You will be made free’?"

13 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) A. Believed God – counted righteous (v. 6) B. Those that believe are children of Abraham (vv. 7-9)

14 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

15 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) A. If don’t keep all the law (vv. 10, 12) B. For we are saved by faith (v. 11) C. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (vv ) 1. Cursed for us (v. 13) 2. Received blessings of Abraham by faith (v. 14)

16 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

17 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) A. Confirmed covenant cannot be annulled (v. 15) B. Promise through Christ (v. 16) C. Law came later & cannot annul promise (vv )

18 Before Abraham Believe Counted Righteous Gen. 15 Abraham Circum. Gen. 17 Law Given At To Moses Exo. 20 Before

19 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

20 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” V. The Purpose of the Law (vv ) A. To reveal & deter man’s sin (vv ) B. To bring men to Christ (vv ) C. All are one in Christ (vv )

21 You Are Children of God For Reason to follow Baptized Have Been

22 You Are Not For Have Not Been Children of God Reason to follow

23 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ”
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )

24 Lessons to Learn 1. No reason why one should be led away (v. 1)
2. “Faith” is used of obedience 3. Essentiality of baptism (vv ) 4. No longer under the law (vv ) 5. All are equal in Christ (v. 28) 6. Consistency (v. 10)


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