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East Asian Miracle The Logic of the Developmental State

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1 East Asian Miracle The Logic of the Developmental State
International Relations of East Asia Seo-young Gil Heoun-jeong Oh

2 contents Ⅰ. What is the Developmental State ? Ⅱ. Backgrounds of Developmental States ⅰ. Domestic environment ⅱ. International environment Ⅲ. Theoretical Approaches ⅰ. Marxism ⅱ. Realism Ⅳ. Conclusion

3 Ⅰ. What is the Developmental State ?
Introduced By Chalmers Johnson, the institutionalist, American scholar of Japanese study The concept of explaining role and characteristics of states which led fast and successful industrialization and economic development after World War Ⅱ Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan Developmental State ?

4 Economic indicator of developmental states
A rate of economic growth 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Korea(%) 12.4 7.8 12.6 15.0 7.9 9.2 7.0 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Taiwan(%) 8.5 10.9 11.5 11.9 12.0 0.6 2.9 - Source: 조준현, 『동아시아 발전 모델과 국가』, 2001. World average Japan Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore (%) 3.2 4.0 7.8 8.1 7.3 - Source: 김세걸, “동아시아 경제성장의 성과와 모순,”

5 Theories to analyze the developmental state
Structivism Neoclassicism Institutionalism [1950s – early 1960s] - market failure state has an important role to correct it [late 1960s – early 1970s] negative aspects of extensive state intervention emphasize strong private sector [1980s] mixture of market orientation and government intervention emphasize historical, institutional, and political context

6 Ⅱ. Backgrounds of Developmental States
International circumstance Domestic circumstance

7 Domestic environment Strategic industrial policy
governed market theory Political & Institutional basis bureaucratic autonomy private-public cooperation

8 International environment
External threat In the postwar period Under direct communist threat Unique commitment to the nationalistic vision Redistribution of wealth Egalitarian base before industrialization Extensive land reforms → large landlords were eliminated Japanese & U.S. hegemony Japanese colonial period Strategic value of East Asia countries An enormous amount of support by U.S.

9 Nonmilitary foreign aid by United States
(Unit: million $) Western Europe 16,280 7,795 1,265 -1,423 236 -14 Eastern Europe 1,115 -17 218 319 -65 448 Middle East & South Asia 820 1,795 3,663 7,494 6,905 9,688 Africa -76 159 342 1,437 1,680 2,557 Far east & Pacific countries 3,683 2,284 4,266 3,658 4,800 7,750 - Source: 조준현, 『동아시아 발전 모델과 국가』, 2001.

10 Theoretical approach - Realism
United States Soviet Union The only reason why the United States supported Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan was to threat Soviet Union. U.S. enlarged their power by making more satellite sates.

11 Theoretical approach - Marxism
Core: U.S. Periphery: East Asian Countries The U.S. supported East Asian countries to maximize their economical values.

12 Discussion questions Thank you 
Do you agree with our theoretical approaches? If not which theory is best to apply? Do you think the developmental state model is transferable in other countries? Do you think Korea is the victim of the Cold War OR the most benefited country? Thank you 

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