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Northern ballet workshop
NUMERACY: Number and place value -count forwards and backwards to 100 in 1s,2s,5s and 10s -read and write numbers up to 100 -give one more/ one less than a given number to 100 -memorise the number bonds to 10/20 -read and write numbers up to 20 in words -recall doubles and corresponding halves to 10/20 -subtract a one digit number from a two digit number -add a one digit number to a two digit number Measures -recognise and know value of different denominations of coins and notes -sequence events in chronological order using language -recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years -tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times -compare, describe and solve practical problems for time -measure and begin to record time (hours, minutes and seconds) Shape -recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes Position and direction -describe position, direction and movement including whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns SCIENCE: Animals including humans Identify and name a variety of common animals Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals. Plants -identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees -identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants including trees Working scientifically -performing simple tests -observing closely using simple equipment -asking simple questions -use observations to answer questions -gather and record data ENTERPRISE: ORGANISING AND PLANNING- Organising a school trip as a class paid for by the bun sale profits. FINANCIAL LITERACY- Hold a tuck shop/ bun sale TEAM WORK- Create a whole class ‘rota’ for the bun sale – children will work as team work twins at our stall. Children will work as tables to earn ‘coins’ to spend at our hungry caterpillar shop. LITERACY: READING- -make predictions based on events in the text -listen to and discuss a wide range of poems, stories and non fiction -become familiar with key stories -make inferences on the basis of what has been said/done -explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them -discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known WRITING Narrative (5 weeks)- minibeast stories (Use simple story language. Plans from known model, begins to re-write using plans. Retells in written form a simple story. Writes opening with character, setting, time of day and weather. Innovate original story) -punctuate sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces and begin to use exclamation marks -join words and sentences using simple conjunctions -use a range of prefixes and suffixes. -read a sentence out loud before I write it and then to check it makes sense -use a range of simple adjectives -sequence sentences to form a short narrative -write from memory simple sentences that include GPCs and common exception words taught so far. -form lower case in the correct direction starting and finishing in the correct place. AUTHORS -Vivian French TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: How do minibeasts and humans change over time? AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: To teach others how to care for minibeasts during their lifecycle and to have an understanding of our own and peers life journey ICT: Introducing the children to using the iPads for independent research Create a screen with animated picture that animates Illustrate sentences with animated pictures Add sound effects to animated stories RE/ETHICS: Eid Ramadan SMCS/LOCAL ISSUES (P4C/RP): -How to return captured animals back into the wild -Is it right to take animals from the wild? D&T/ART: -Learn about a famous artist – Sunflowers, Van Gogh, Monet-Lilypads- describing the differences and similarities between different practises and disciplines and making links to their own work. -Use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. -Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria's. -Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (cutting the clay). -Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria. HISTORY: Sequence events in their life Match objects to people of different ages Sequence photos from different periods in their life Describe memories of key events in lives Compare adults talking about the past-how reliable are memories? Compare 2 versions of a past event Discuss reliability of photos/ accounts/ stories GEOGRAPHY: -identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK MUSIC: -play tuned and untuned instruments musically -experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music PE: -Athletics EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITES: -Holy trinity church -Pearson park EXTENDED LEARNING: Northern ballet workshop
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