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Kako uspešno vpeljati IPv6 v Windows okolje in preživeti

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2 Kako uspešno vpeljati IPv6 v Windows okolje in preživeti
Luka Manojlovic

3 IPv4 – 4 octetcs == 4*8 = 32 bit address
IPv4 vs IPv6 IPv4 – 4 octetcs == 4*8 = 32 bit address – private address public address Around 4 billion addresses but... Where is China?!  IPv6 – 16 octects == 16x8 = 128 bit address: Two octetcs are devided by : so we have 8 units : 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:38c0:c950:3eb2:62dc = 2001:0000:5ef5:79fd:38c0:c950:3eb2:62dc 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:38::62dc = 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:38:0000:0000:62dc 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:38::62dc = 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:0038::62dc ::1 = fe80::MACtoHEX link local addresses

4 Subnetting? /32? /48? /64? /64 for everyone! ISPs delegate prefixes to end costumers

5 No broadcast Link local only multicast ICMPv6 is a MUST for IPv6 to work

6 Features IPv6 Autoconfiguration IPSec Mobility – active sessions And the most important thing! Huge address space!

7 IPv6 header VS IPv4 header
No header lenght – fixed 40 byte No identification field – Even in IPv4 useless No checksum – It‘s made on higher layers No fragmentation field No options IPv6 header VS IPv4 header No header lenght – fixed 40 byte No identification field – Even in IPv4 useless No checksum – It‘s made on higher layers No fragmentation field No options

8 Every option is called „Extension header“
Fragmentation // ICMPv6 type 2 – packet too big Source routing IPsec Destination options

9 Standardised but still sometimes we find strange implementations by various vendors...
Attacks on IPv6 Developed over 15 years ago – with security perspective of that time ARP spoofing in IPv4 world == Neighbour discovery spoofing ARP request == neighbour solicitation ARP response = neighnour advertisment Duplicate address mechanisms and DOS Neighbour solicitation? Yes, IP is in use –> Loop = DOS Hostile router advertisments

10 Man in the middle attacks Router advertisment flood
We send our router advertisment + spoofed router advertisment with liftime = 0 Router advertisment flood Windows XXX DOS – cpu 100% - firewall does not help  All routers -> lifetime =0 everything become „link – local“

11 Man in the middle attacks Router advertisment flood
We send our router advertisment + spoofed router advertisment with liftime = 0 Router advertisment flood Windows XXX DOS – cpu 100% - firewall does not help  All routers -> lifetime =0 everything become „link – local“

12 Stateful autoconfiguration and flags M and O
Router sends router advertisment – from this we get gateway In case both flags in router advertisment are set to 0: We have the same scenario as Stateless autoconfiguration – so we get globaly routed IPv6 address but we do not request and aditional info from DHCPv6 server In case that both flags in router advertisment are set to 1 M flag means – from DHCPv6 get stateful IPv6 (public address) O flag means – from DHCPv6 get other options (DNS, NTP...) M = 0 / O = 1 means – from DHCPv6 get other options (DNS) IP will be calculated by client... M = 1 / O = 0 means – from DHCPv6 get IP address but no other configuration – probably useless combination of flags...

13 Examples Exchange / mail server trick:
Set-NetIPInterface –InterfaceIndex <number> -Dhcp Disabled – on all servers that have static IP address Exchange / mail server trick: (A an AAAA record – so IPv4 & IPv6) (A record only – IPv4 only)


15 Izpolnite anketo! Vam je bilo predavanje všeč?
Ste se naučili kaj novega? Vaše mnenje nam veliko pomeni! Da bo NT konferenca prihodnje leto še boljša, vas prosimo, da izpolnite anketo o zadovoljstvu, ki jo najdete v svojem NTK spletnem profilu.


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