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Racing Into 4th Grade Welcome Pit Crew Members

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Presentation on theme: "Racing Into 4th Grade Welcome Pit Crew Members"— Presentation transcript:

1 Racing Into 4th Grade Welcome Pit Crew Members

2 Family Allison and Brayden Chad and Kelly

3 Ms. Belding 18 years teaching tenure in the Windsor School District
Bachelor of Arts, Fontbonne University Masters of Arts in Teaching, Webster University

4 Teachers Ms. Belding, English Language Arts
Mr. Pattengill, Mathematics Ms. Schmitt, Science/Social Studies

5 Supplies Organized Trapper Keeper:
Zippered Pouch (with pencils, pens, etc.) Planner---(signature/notes)---communication tool 3 folders with punched holes 1 spiral notebook Wide Ruled Notebook Paper 1 1/2 inch 3-Prong Binder for Science

6 Research Based Instructional Strategies
Cooperative Learning Reading/Writing Strategies Differentiated Instruction Assessment for Learning

7 Cooperative Learning PIES is the difference between Cooperative Learning and Group Work - it really helps define engagement. P: Positive Interdependence I: Individual Accountability E: Equal Participation S: Simultaneous Interaction Examples: Numbered Heads, Mix-Pair-Share, Showdown

8 Reading/Writing Strategies

9 Differentiated Instruction
Learning Profiles Tiered Activities/Flexible Grouping Learning Contracts/Menu Boards Leveled Readers

10 Assessment for Learning
Goal Setting Student/Teacher Conferencing Scoring Guides Portfolios Reflection Pieces

11 SPEED LIMITS: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful Each day all students start at green.  The goal is to not change your color during the day.  Teacher will give reminders and verbal warnings to start. Teacher will ask student to pull card to yellow, MINOR. Teacher will ask student to pull card to red, THINK SHEET. Each THINK SHEET will ask the student to write a reflection on the behavior that is creating a problem in class.  These THINK SHEETS will be sent home to be signed and returned. Students are rewarded for obeying the SPEED LIMITS!

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