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Welcome To Comanche Pride!

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1 Welcome To Comanche Pride!
School Year

2 What happens in Comanche Pride or CP class
It is a Learning Environment Guidance Lessons I Graduate, HB 5 -Fall ( 1 to 2 lessons a week for 7th and 8th grade) SOS (1 lesson for 7th grade in the Fall) Social/Emotional Screener Quick Hit Soft Skill Lessons ( from Principal and Assistant Principals) I Choose- Making Healthy Choices( 2 lessons for 7th grade in the Spring) Registration- Spring Campus Comanche Binder management Academic Support (Reviewing grades) Homework completion, study time, test makeup

3 Learning Environment Expectations
Students are required to bring their Agenda and Comanche Binder to class every day. Students are asked to bring study materials to class everyday. Teachers are required to maintain a positive learning environment for students every day. Teachers receive work/test from classroom teachers, facilitate students completing assignments and return to classroom teacher. Teachers will maintain a weekly view of what days will be filled with guidance or other activities so students may plan accordingly.

4 Comanche Binders Students will need the following items for their Comanche Binders: A 3-inch binder (already listed on the KMS school supply list for both 7th and 8th grades) Dividers (without pockets, preferred—listed on the KMS school supply list) Pencil bag with holes to fit into the rings of the binder (This was not listed on the school supply list.) Notebook paper Pens, pencils, highlighters Student Agenda (provided by KMS) *Some teachers may still require the students to have a composition or spiral notebook, which may be kept in the binder or in the classroom, depending upon the individual teacher’s preference.

5 Expectations for Comanche Binders:
Students will bring their Comanche Binders to every class, every day, including Comanche Pride. Students will keep their binders organized and current. Teachers will provide opportunities for students to write in their agendas and organize their materials. All teachers will conduct periodic binder checks.

6 Who’s Who Principal- Sandra Chapa
Assistant Principals- Valerie Pope- 8th grade Sondra Floyd- 7th grade Counselors- Michelle Zimmerman A-E Denise Dulany F-M Molly Brown N-Z Academic Associate- Theresa Dyvig

7 KMS FAQs What if my student needs technology or library access?
A student may ask their content teacher for a pass to be used during CP time. CP teachers may not send more than 3 students to the library at a time. If the Librarian has a class in the Library already, then they may be asked to return to class. May students use their personal technology in CP class? It is up to teacher discretion and may only be used for class work. In closing, this is a great opportunity for your student to refocus, develop good study habits, time management skills and responsibility.

8 The MOST FUN you will have ALL SUMMER!
Washington DC/Gettysburg Trip Meeting TONIGHT! After mini school in the Cafeteria June 2017 The MOST FUN you will have ALL SUMMER!


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