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CHEMISTRY Intro to our class….

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1 CHEMISTRY Intro to our class…

2 ABOUT MS. BRYAN… This is my 20th th year teaching!
I’ve taught Physical Science, biology, zoology, & honors and Regular Chemistry. I graduated from Kent state university (bachelor of science in zoology/pre-med) and Cleveland State (Masters of Education in curriculum & Instruction).

3 I’m married with 2 kids…my daughter is 8 and my son is 23.
I love my dog Rudy! My daughter has 2 guinea pigs and makes them watch cat videos I love to read and it distracts me from grading  I like to run & work out---I’ve run 2 marathons (slowly!) I am a beekeeper!

4 What do you need? 1 to 1.5 inch binder…dividers optional
Scientific calculator (graphing calc OK) Pencils, pens, highlighter/s Paper Lab appropriate shoes (tennis shoes are perfect) know your network login and password!

5 www. bereamidparkchemistry. wikispaces
Bookmark this site on your phone, google toolbar, or home computer! It contains our daily agenda, notes, videos, answer keys, practice items, etc. that you will need for chemistry.

6 Join “Remind” to get text message reminders
To this number text the I will try to send reminders about HW, labs, tests, etc…but it’s still your job to remember them in case I can’t send a reminder.

7 Grades Grades updated weekly-ish on infinite campus
Be patient if you’ve turned in absent work… Grades are weighted…a 10 point lab is not worth the same as a 10 point quiz Participation/cell phone stored during class = 10% Tests/quizzes = 50% LABS = 20% Homework = 20%

8 Participation/Cell Phone Stored (10%)
You will be assigned a number that corresponds to the pocket your phone should be placed in. Phones get placed into the pocket at the beginning of class. When I get settled in I will check the pocket numbers. 5 points per day. If you are caught with your phone out you will get 0 points. Don’t have a phone? Didn’t Bring a phone? Let me know so points aren’t deducted. This rule applies to sleeping/ unexcused absences/ not using time or lab wisely as well It should be the easiest 10% to earn!

9 Tests & Quizzes (50%) Tests occur at the end of a chapter with quizzes “sprinkled” in Multiple choice & problem solving If you score below a 75% on your test, you may re-take a new version to be averaged with the original You must come in to go over your “bad” test first, then make arrangements to take the new version Re-take should happen within 5 days of scores being posted.

10 LABS (20%) Lab groups consist of 2 or 3 students.
Each student is responsible for helping during the lab and collecting data. Lab write-ups are due from each student. You must have proper shoes for lab days (tennis shoes)…no exceptions. If you must miss lab due to lack of shoes you will be docked points. Labs must be made up just like tests, quizzes, and homework. Deadlines for make-up will be shared in class.

11 Homework (20%) For each chapter you will get a packet of materials.
Anything assigned as HW must be completed on time. On the date due, I will stamp your paper if completed as directed. We will discuss and correct the HW. At the end of the chapter, usually on test day, you will turn in the entire packet. I will count all the HW stamps you’ve earned and enter it as a HW Packet grade. Even if you didn’t do HW on time and are missing stamps, you can earn some credit back by correcting or doing the missing work. Please do your own work. I know from tests when you don’t.

12 absences It’s hard to keep up and understand if you are absent a lot.
Check the daily agenda on when you’ve been absent to see what was stamped, completed, etc. You can miss no more than 10 days/semester excused without a doctor’s note…after that all absences will be changed to unexcused. Unexcused absences/cutting = 0/5 participation points for the day and zeroes on any other missed assignments/quizzes, as well as no stamps given on HW. Labs too must be made up in a timely manner. I tear down labs within a week to make room for the next lab we are doing.

13 Daily expectations/other info
Same rules as most of your teachers. You know what’s appropriate and what isn’t (see the handout if not sure). Don’t be afraid to come for help. I will likely be in room 256 after school most days. Text me through Remind or send me an (see the handout). I hope you have a great year! 

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