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Presentation on theme: "Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation

2 Through conservation strategies, people can slow down the degradation of the environment and the depletion of non-renewable resources.

3 Properly planned conservation strategies increase comfort levels and quality of life while using fewer resources and restoring the environment.

4 Many strategies for conserving resources save money as they protect the environment.

5 Good soil conservation techniques include:
contour plowing

6 Good soil conservation techniques include:

7 Good soil conservation techniques include:
crop rotation

8 Good soil conservation techniques include:
strip planting - different crops in strips;

9 Good soil conservation techniques include:
cover crops

10 Good soil conservation techniques include:
planting groundcovers - roots hold the soil

11 Good soil conservation techniques include:

12 Good soil conservation techniques include:
tree planting

13 Good soil conservation techniques include:

14 Allowing the environment to degrade continuously can result in disasters for people that may not have an affordable solution.

15 Human societies have long caused environmental problems whose effects persist for generations, and the scale of these problems is rapidly increasing

16 Pavement and buildings increase storm water runoff, which accelerates stream bank erosion.

17 In general, wetlands and forests protect water quality more effectively and cheaply than human technology.

18 Of the total energy used in the U. S
Of the total energy used in the U.S., most comes from petroleum, followed by natural gas and coal.

19 The atmosphere and the oceans have a limited capacity to absorb wastes and recycle materials naturally.

20 Cleaning up polluted air, water, and soil can be difficult and very costly.

21 Restoring depleted soil, forests, and fishing grounds can be very difficult and costly.

22 Burning coal contributes to air pollution and acid rain
Burning coal contributes to air pollution and acid rain. Burning low sulfur coal produces less acid rain.

23 Because we are using some of our resources faster than they are being replaced, we are now recycling more of these resources instead of digging them out of the ground.

24 What are three ways to prevent soil erosion
What are three ways to prevent soil erosion? Ground covers, wind breaks, and no till plowing.

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