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Non Blood Specimens Procedures and Tests.

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1 Non Blood Specimens Procedures and Tests

2 Non blood specimens Urine Saliva Semen Serous fluid Sputum Swabs
Breath Faeces Hair Tissue Nail, skin, hair and scabie collection

3 Urine Most commonly tested next to blood Diagnose Decide treatment
Effects of treatment Accuracy depends on method of collection, type of container, handling and transport

4 Urine Must be able to explain collection procedure verbally and with written info

5 urine Urinalysis ( UA ) Physical – colour, clarity, odour, volume
Chemical – bacteria, blood, WBC, protein, glucose Microscopic – cells, crystals, microorganisms

6 urinalysis Plastic strip called a dipstick is used
Pads of test reagents on strip that react to substances in urine

7 Urinalysis Clean, dry container Chemical free Tight fitting lids
If C&S is also ordered, container must be sterile Samples can only sit for 2 hours at room temp Longer than 2 hours, refrigerate

8 Culture and sensitivity
Ordered where patient may have UTI Grown on a special medium to encourage microorganism growth Sterile container MSSU

9 Urine Cytology Performed on urine to detect cancer, CMV, some viral diseases Clean, fresh catch specimen Test asap after collection

10 Urine Drug Screening Detects illicit drug use, steroids, prescription drugs Random sample Clean container

11 Types Random Collect at any time U/A Screening tests Timed First am
Tolerance test 24 hour Double void

12 types First am Immediately on waking after 8 hours of sleep
SG is higher Tolerance GTT Timed with blood collection and glucose intake

13 Types 24 hour Collection and pooling of all urine in 24 hours
Begin between 0600 and 0800 Large, clean, wide mouthed container Some have preservatives Some need refrigeration Labelled correctly

14 24 hour urine

15 urine Double voided Empty bladder Wait 30 minutes Collect urine
Tests for glucose and ketones

16 Saliva Monitors hormone levels Detects alcohol
Indicates recent drug use Semen Assess fertility Effectiveness of vasectomy Sterile container Must be kept warm Urgent delivery

17 Serous Fluid Found between pleura, pericardium and peritoneum
Large amounts present with inflammation or infection aspiration

18 Sputum Mucous ejected from trachea, bronchi, lungs by deep coughing
Prefer first am specimens Remove dentures, rinse mouth, gargle with water Deep coughing Room temperature urgent processing

19 Swabs DNA analysis Less invasive than blood test Painless
Inside of mouth

20 Breath Hydrogen content Helicobacter pylori C-urea breath test

21 Faeces Gastrointestinal disorders Ova and parasites Fat Bacteria Blood
Clean, dry container Often a special diet

22 hair Trace elements Heavy metals Drugs Tissue Biopsies
Arrive in formalin Transport only

23 Skin Scrapings Tinea, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema can look the same Always scrape the skin first Then moisten a swab with normal saline and swab the freshly scraped skin Especially scrape the edges of the lesions

24 Ringworm Scrape the outside ring, not the centre
Do not be too rough as the fungus is light and can become airborne easily

25 Pityriasis Versicolour
Yeast that grows on the skin overgrows May or may not be coloured or scaly If nothing comes off when scraped apply some clear sticky tape, peel off and apply to a slide

26 Nappy Rash Caused by candida Can be difficult to scrape

27 Vesicles Cut the blister top off and put between two slides
Swab any of the vesicle fluid with swab

28 Feet Scrape the outer edges of the lesion
White yeast infection between the toes is harder to get Swab between the toes

29 Nail Scrapings Look for nails that only have a small bit of whitening starting Trim nail back as much as possible Scrape the top of the nail onto a black card Scrape under and side of nail gently Moisten with swab in normal saline and press underneath nail

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