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Confidence Intervals.

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1 Confidence Intervals

2 Studies to Review Loftus and Masson(1994) Masson and Loftus(2003)
Jarmasz and Hollands(2009)

3 Using Confidence Intervals in within-subject designs
Loftus and Masson(1994)

4 Intro Bayesian Technique Null Hypothesis and Significance Testing
Competing Hypotheses Using Confidence Intervals

5 Confidence Intervals “How well does an observed pattern of sample means represent the underlying pattern of population means?” Confidence intervals have been argued to replace formal stat analysis Hypothesis testing is designed to address a restricted, convoluted, and usually uninteresting question A finding of statistical significance implies that the experiment has enough statistical power

6 Confidence Intervals Confidence intervals can provide
An initial estimate and intuitive assessment The best estimate of the underlying pattern of population means The degree to which the observed pattern should be taken seriously


8 Confidence Intervals for Within Subject Design
Current textbooks say that CIs are used for between subject designs A CI used for between subject design has two useful properties Determined by the same error term as an ANOVA A confidence interval around a sample mean and one around the difference between 2 means are related by a factor of sq(2^3) Confidence in patterns of means can be judged on the basis of confidence intervals plotted around the individual means

9 A Hypothetical Experiment
Measures the effects of study time on free recall Participants are presented a list of 20 words 1, 2, or 5s per word Interested in the relationship between study time and words recalled

10 Between-Subject Data Analyzing data as if it were between subjects
N=30, 10 subjects per group in 3 groups Each group participates in 1 of the 3 time conditions with recall recorded


12 Between Subject Confidence Intervals

13 Within-Subject Data Same study ran with 10 subjects
Each subject ran through each condition


15 Creating a Confidence Interval
Ex. Creating a confidence interval for the 1s condition Researchers would need to create a CI that has the same inter-subject variability as the between-subject error variance This would cause the CI to give a different impression than the within-subject ANOVA This error occurs because inter-subject variance is irrelevant to a within subject ANOVA, but decides the size of a confidence interval Generally speaking the ANOVA and confidence interval are based on different error terms, causing conflicting information

16 A Within Subject Confidence Interval
Ignore the inter-subject variance Normalize participant scores by subtracting from the original score a subject-deviation score Mi(rightmost column table 2) – the grand mean M = 12.73(bottom right table 2)


18 A Within Subject Confidence Interval
Each subject pattern and condition means remain unchanged Each subject now has the same grand mean Graphing the data now gives a visual without subject variability 2 sources of variability left Condition Variance Interaction Variance


20 Conclusion Between and within subject confidence intervals both provide: Information consistent with an ANOVA A clear picture of underlying patterns between means A picture of statistical power Each experiment has its own challenges Specific hypothesis to be evaluated Assumptions being met or violated Sources of variance that vary in importance “No one set of algorithmic rules can appropriately cover all situations” or “it depends”

21 Using Confidence Intervals for Graphically Based Data Interpretation
Masson and Loftus(2003)

22 Intro Null hypothesis significance testing(NHST) has been heavily debated Goal to enhance alternative to NHST for data interpretation Prior research has tried to address between/within subject design and confidence intervals This paper considers how to apply a graphical approach to mixed designs “A rule of thumb: plotted means whose confidence intervals overlap by no more than about half the distance of one side of an interval can be deemed to differ under NHST”

23 An Example from prior research
Similar explanation to Loftus & Masson 1994 Example of using the Stroop task Emphasize that confidence intervals for within-subject research only support inferences about patterns of means across conditions, not inferences about population means




27 Assumptions Between subject – homogeneity of variance
Within-subject – sphericity assumption An ANOVA would calculate an e value to correct degrees of freedom if violated Researchers suggest calculating individual confidence intervals if e < .75 however a negative variance can result To avoid this, a researcher could construct confidence intervals on single degree of freedom contrasts

28 Example of individual CIs
Table 2 data produces an e of <.6 and violates sphericity

29 Jarmasz and Hollands(2009)
Multifactor Designs Jarmasz and Hollands(2009)

30 Multifactor Designs Major considerations when trying to graphically present multifactor designs How to illustrate main effects How to illustrate interactions How to handle violations of homogeneity and sphericity If violations occur, transform data to reduce heterogeneity of variance

31 Designs with 2 levels Factorial designs question which mean squared should be used for confidence intervals A regular between subject design has just MSwithin or 1 error term This gives a researcher a single confidence interval A violation of homogeneity could allow separate intervals

32 Contrasts “Researchers consider an effect produced by a linear combination of means where that combination is defined by a set of weights applied to the means.” These weights must sum to 0 Contrast effect A difference between 2 means A main effect An interaction effect Computing a confidence interval for this

33 Graphing Contrasts After calculating weights and creating confidence intervals, graphs would be plotted normally If a confidence interval does not include 0, it is thought to be a significant interaction E.g. Encoding interaction with condition A2

34 Designs with 2 levels – Within Subjects
Unlike a between subject study, within subject design includes multiple MS error terms One way to calculate a confidence interval would be to pool your MS error terms and divide them by the sum of degrees of freedom


36 Designs with 2 levels – Within Subjects
What if you should not pool all error terms? Pool error terms within a factor of 2 and compute an individual CI for others The individual CI only applies to the effect it is associated with


38 Mixed Designs One between subject and one within subject factor
This means pooling MS error terms would not be possible Separate confidence intervals must be constructed for each


40 Designs with 3 or more Factors
First plot means with Cis based on pooled MS error estimates then plot normally


42 Confidence Intervals in Repeated-Measures Designs: The Number of Observations Principle

43 Intro CIs are a well established statistical method
They draw inferences well in between subject design Using CIs in repeated measure design has been proposed and accepted The size of a CI is affected by the number of observation that create the mean Loftus & Masson papers do not describe calculating n well Most think this is total participants

44 How to Calculate n N or number of observations Number of participants
Multiplied by the product of the number of levels of all factors Divided by the number of levels for the effect of interest

45 New CI Formula MSrxs = MSE for R
L = product of the levels of all RM factors in the analysis r is the number of levels for R

46 Special Scenarios IM Factors in Mixed IM-RM Designs
Mixed IM-RM Interactions Repeated Measures Main Effect CI(Direction)

47 Ex. IM Factors in Mixed IM-RM Designs
Multiple IM factors have no multiplying effect on the MSE There is only a since MSE(Mean Square within or MSw) Adding RM factors inflate the MSw for any IM factor This changes the formula used to calculate a CI

48 IM-RM Confidence Interval Formula
Mi is the mean for the relevant level of Factor A ni is the number of participants in each level of Factor A L is the product of the number of levels of all RM factors

49 Generalizing the Number of Observations Principle
Applying the principle involves 2 steps First – Determine how many participants contribute to the effect Total participants for pure RM effects Participants per condition for IM effects Participants for IM-RM interactions Multiply the number of participants by the product of the levels of the remaining RM factors In-Article examples


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