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Agenda Part II Overview of ELD Refined Model and Literacy Continuum

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Part II Overview of ELD Refined Model and Literacy Continuum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Part II Overview of ELD Refined Model and Literacy Continuum
Implementation of the Model Schedule Curriculum and Materials Lesson Planning Closure

2 Session Objectives Participants will:
articulate the components of the English Language Development (ELD)/Structured English Immersion (SEI) Refined Model create an ELD schedule using the 4 hour block time allocations locate and utilize the ELD K-5 curriculum documents for TUSD *Cooperative learning strategies objective may be left out.

3 ELA Literacy Continuum

4 This session will highlight all areas of the continuum.

5 Refinements to the Elementary SEI Model

6 Handout

7 Who Receives 4 Hours of ELD Instruction*
All English Language Learners (ELLs) receive 4 hours of ELD instruction. As an option, Intermediate level ELLs 1st grade on up, who are in their 2nd year or more in the program are allowed to receive 3 hours of ELD instruction (two 90 minute integrated blocks).

8 Time Allocations for the 4-Hour ELD Model
Time allocations must be labeled accurately: Reading & Oral English Conversation and Vocabulary (120 min.) or (90 min. for Intermediate level who qualify) Writing & Grammar (120 min.) or (90 min. for Intermediate level who qualify)

9 Additional Expectations for the 4-Hour ELD Model Classroom
Classroom schedules must match lesson plans and instruction. Student-friendly language objectives that reflect the English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards must be posted. Student rosters with students proficiency levels from the AZELLA must be present. Instruction must reflect a 50/50 balance of language use by the students and the teacher.

10 Posted Daily Schedule (Sample)
8:00 a.m.– 8:10 a.m. -Attendance/Pledge 8:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m.- Reading/Oral English Conversation/ Vocabulary 10:10- 11:10 a.m.- Grammar /Writing 11:10 a.m.-11:50 a.m.- Lunch 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.- Grammar /Writing 1:00p.m.-2:10 p.m.- Math 2:10 p.m.- 2:40 p.m.- Science/ Social Studies 2:45- Dismissal Note: The schedule must match Lesson Plans and Instruction ADE wants explicit blocks of instruction Natural Breaks are accepted Handout

11 Additional Requirements
ELLs must be separate from the mainstream students for ELD instruction in the refined model, except when an SEI Mixed grouping exception has been approved by ADE. ALL ELD instruction must be driven by the Arizona ELP standards and match the correct time allocation.

12 How do I group students for the ELD Model?

13 Handout

14 In TUSD… ELLs continue to:
receive instruction using district adopted text-Avenues for a minimum of two hours and other resources aligned to Avenues themes and ELP Standards be assessed using School City ELD Avenues assessments for both summative and formative purposes. Use this data to determine how to group your students

15 Showing Evidence of the Model
Revise a Daily Schedule State the purpose and required items needed to document the model. Have them look and revise a schedule on poster paper with errors. Then have them swap with the table next to them. They check and send back. Have one or two groups share how they revised.





20 Design a Daily Schedule
The daily schedule you design is to be transferred and posted in your classroom. *Optional*Don’t think we will have time for this.

21 Work with a Partner Have your partner check your schedule for accuracy.

22 Lunch Break -One Hour- Meet in the LIRC Computer Lab after lunch. Take all your belongings with you to the lab. It is located north of the east LIRC parking lot. Follow the signs. Be sure to sign in after lunch.

23 What will Drive your Instruction?
Where are these located? What will Drive your Instruction? English Language Proficiency Standards ELD K-5 Curriculum Materials

24 Scroll down to ELD Grades K-5
Go to TUSD Intranet… Scroll down to ELD Grades K-5

25 Go to:


27 28

28 II -LS-1: B-1 Basic-1 Listening Speaking- Standard 1: Stage II:


30 II–L-1(N):LI-1 (Nouns)

31 What’s My Code? ELP Standards Coding

32 II-W-1:PE-5 III-R-2:LI-3 I-L-1(v):B-4 III-L-2:E-1 II-LS-1:HI-6
Check Your Code II-W-1:PE-5 III-R-2:LI-3 I-L-1(v):B-4 III-L-2:E-1 II-LS-1:HI-6

33 Is just the code enough? Document the code
Then, write the stem with Performance Indicator to document the standard




37 The AZCCRS are outcome based standards, and the AZ ELP standards are skills based standards. The
language skills are all contained in the ELP standards. The AZ ELP standards are the pieces. They purposefully over lap the AZCCRS. You can find the pieces that align to a common core standard in each domain. During ELD instruction, the AZ ELP standards are required to be documented instead of Common Core.

38 So what proficiency level do I instruct and assess and grade my ELL students?


40 Scope and Sequence (1 Page)
AZ ELP Standards aligned to AZCCRS A Year at a Glance Targeted standards are what will be assessed on eAssessment in grades 1st – 5th ELP Standards aligned to Common Core when possible How target standards were determined The significance of the purple print How The unify concepts and reading and writing focus were determined The Varying number of units per quarter in grades ½ division between quarters Importance of not just teaching targeted standards Repetition of standards within the quarter Range of proficiencies

41 Full Page by Quarter Includes the written ELP standard and codes to make documentation and instruction easier. For non-ELLs in an SEI Mix, copy the AZCCR standard that correlates.

42 Enduring Understandings
Curriculum Maps Enduring Understandings Extended Texts and Short Connected Texts Standards AZCCRS are correlated

43 Curriculum Maps Cont. Research and Writing Connections
Interdisciplinary Connections Assessments for each quarter

44 How do I address both ELP standards & AZCCRS ?
ELP: II-R-4:HI-13 Correlates to AZCCRS: 1.RL.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. 1.RL.3 Describing characters, settings, and major events in story, using key details. 2.RL.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.


46 Using the Find tool

47 Differentiation will occur when?

48 Sample Grouping Structure


50 Assessment and Data Types of assessment: Formative & Summative: AZELLA
Avenues Assessments Phonics Component Placement Test Running records DRA/Rigby/ Fountas and Pinnell NSGRA DIBELS - Screener SCHOOL CITY Math

51 1st and 2nd Diagnostic Phonics Street

52 Avenues Phonics Street

53 Avenues Reading Basics Assessments
Since the students’ percentage correct first falls below 80% at Placement Point 2, the student should begin in Lesson 56. Cathy

54 What data do you use to create guided reading groups?
AZELLA Test scores keep in mind these scores are from last school year NSGRA Avenues Pretest data and Unit test data Running records… such as DRA, Rigby, etc Avenues leveled book running records on Wiki

55 Additional Resources for Teaching ELD…
ELD Wiki- How to code ELD standards – Go the TUSD Professional Development Portal- #11535Language Acquisition: ELP Coding Presentation- Self-directed Course Fully Coded ELP Standards- EMC Avenues K-5 Bibliographies - Arizona Department of Education: ELP Standards ELD Curriculum Maps ColorínColorado-

56 Outcome Statements Be ready to respond to one of the following statements: I think I feel I learned I wonder 1. Throw a small ball to participants to truly capture their attention. 2. The participants who catches the ball has to respond to an outcome statement by finishing the sentence. 3. Participants have the choice to respond to one of the following statements: I think I feel I learned I wonder

57 Thank you for Attending today’s session.

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