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Who am I? Wendy Petschik.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? Wendy Petschik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I? Wendy Petschik

2 Mystery 1 What bird with some yellow on it lives in this habitat:
What other identifying field mark does this bird have? How is the song paraphrased? whichity, whichity, whichity or which which is it, which which is it Who Am I?

3 Mystery 2 What bird would lives in a deciduous forest like this…
And likes to rustle through the leaves on the forest floor? It looks as though his head has been burnt, which left behind an orange stripe on the crown. What song would you hear from this bird? Teacher, teacher, teacher Who am I?

4 Mystery 3 In a mixed deciduous and coniferous forest like this one…
What bird would sing high up in the canopy? What would his song sound like? zeeeeeeeee-up or zh-zh-zh-zheeeeeee If you saw him he’d have a yellow throat and breast with a rusty colored band across it. Who am I?

5 Mystery 4 I am a beautiful southern belle with riches galore and likes to forage near the forest floor… My song sounds like, weta, weta, WETA with the last note rising My black adornment is beautiful as it trails down my sides Who am I?

6 Mystery 5 I am a woodland bird very commonly seen in urban areas as well. My song sounds like a slow musical trill, usually rising or maybe even falling at the end. My name was changed to better describe my most characteristic field mark. Who am I?

7 Mystery 6 I am an active warbler in the northern mixed forests
My song can be paraphrased: chip, chupety, swee-ditchety My yellow underside is broken up by this identifying field mark… Who am I?

8 Mystery 7 I live in this type of a habitat:
I can be found on the water’s edge. I have pink legs and a white eyestripe. My song has 3 clear notes followed by a complex jumble of short, rapid phrases. Who am I?

9 Mystery 8 I creep along tree trunks and branches looking for insects…
My plumage consists of two colors. My song sounds like a squeaky wheel Who am I?

10 Mystery 9 I prefer to reside in second growth forests.
I have a very welcoming song… How is my song paraphrased? Very, very, very, pleased to MEETCHA My identifying field marks make up my name. Who am I?

11 Mystery 10 I am a common bird of the coniferous forests singing high in canopy. My song sounds like this: How do you paraphrase it? See, see, see susie OR zee, zee, zee, zoo, zee OR trees, trees, murmuring trees What are my colors? Who am I?

12 Mystery 11 I have a dark back with white stripes and broad white wings bars. I sing a very high pitched thin song like this: zip, zip, zip, titititi, tseeee OR teetsa, teetsa, teetsa, teetsa zizizizizi I have this flaming brilliant color on my throat. Who I am?

13 Mystery 12 I enjoy fanning my tail and spreading my wings…
I do this for displaying purposes or to flush out some insects. My song sounds like this: and can be paraphrased tsee, tsee, tsee, tsee, tsway OR Wee-see, wee-see, wee-see My distinctive colors make me memorable. Who am I?

14 Mystery 13 I live in a wetland habitat. My song says:
sweet, sweet, sweeter than sweet or sweet, sweet, sweet you’re so sweet. The most prominent color of my plumage is also part of my name. Who am I?

15 Mystery 14 My wetland habitat existence reveals part of my name.
Twit, twit, twit, sweet, sweet, sweet, chew, chew, chew …is what I say: My buff eyestripe separates me from my almost twin. Who am I?

16 Mystery 15 I live deeper in the forest and like to forage closer to the forest floor in the thick understory. My song sounds like zur, zur, zur, zree or beer, beer, beer, bee: My name is part of my field marks. Who am I?

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