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Benchmark Study Guide.

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1 Benchmark Study Guide

2 Label each cell: Plant cell: HAS A CELL WALL
Animal cell: HAS A NUCLEUS (Eukaryotic) Bacteria- DOES NOT HAVE A NUCLEUS (Prokaryotic)

3 Define Homeostasis: Homeostasis-all cells work together to maintain an internal balance Ex: body temp stays at 98.6 even when it is cold outside When you are sick you want to go HOME and STAY

4 Cell Processes Diffusion- natural process by which molecules move from high to low concentration Osmosis-the diffusion of water through a cell membrane Active Transport- movement of materials through a cell membrane USING energy Passive Transport- movement of materials through a cell membrane WITHOUT energy

5 Cell Processes Endocytosis- the process in which a cell surrounds a particle encloses it in a vesicle to bring it INTO the cell Exocytosis- the process used to remove large particles from a cell Mitosis-the process of cellular division that results in body cells

6 What is the difference between an autotroph and heterotroph?
Autotroph: produces its own food Heterotroph: consumes its food

7 Autotroph or Heterotroph
Which one performs cellular respiration? Heterotroph Which one performs photosynthesis? Autotroph

8 Cells are the basic unit of all living things
Cell Theory Cells are the basic unit of all living things All living things are made of cells All cells come from other existing cells

9 What process do plant cells do to create food from the sunlight energy?

10 What process uses the plant food, GLUCOSE, and breaks it apart to release energy in the form of ATP?
Cellular Respiration

11 Match the cell part to the function
Nucleus: controls all cell activities, DNA found here Lysosomes: cleans cell by digesting old parts using chemicals called enzymes Mitochondria: site of cellular respiration, ATP made here Chloroplast: site where photosynthesis, contains chlorophyll Cell Membrane: covering of cells; lets things in and out Chlorophyll: captures sunlight Cell Wall: found only in plant cells, provides structure

12 How do we remember the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis makes my TOES Uses asexual reproduction (ONE parent; INDENTICAL offspring) BODY cells (46 chromosomes) Meiosis makes ME Uses sexual reproduction (TWO parents; similar to both parents) SEX cells (gametes) 23 chromosomes

13 What is an organism's phenotype?
The physical appearance of an organism Black hair; green eyes; spots

14 What is an organism’s genotype?
The genetic make up of the organism’s traits AA; Aa; aa

15 How do you write a homozygous genotype?
Two UPPERCASE letters (DOMINANT Traits) OR TWO lowercase LETTERS (Recessive Traits) AA; SS; WW; BB; LL aa; ss; ww; bb; ll

16 How do you write a heterozygous genotype?
One UPPERCASE and ONE lowercase LETTER Aa; Ss; Hh; Rr

17 What is the difference between dominant and recessive traits?
Dominant- the strong trait that masks a weaker trait Written using an UPPERCASE letter (H; D; K) Recessive- the weaker trait that is hidden Written using a lowercase letter (h; d; k)

18 What is a Punnett Square uses for?
To predict possible gene combinations

19 Complete a Punnett Sqaure Dd x Dd

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