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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition

2 Learning objectives Understand the role that water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals play in human diet What are typical energetic requirements? How do we estimate how much of each nutrient we are eating? What are appropriate amounts? How can we consume foods in a sustainable manner? What is genetic engineering? What are some pros and cons?

3 A hint on how to study Exams for this class will be challenging! You will need to study the material in depth. Review all of the material (from textbook, supplements, your notes, and presentations). Try to answer questions from the learning objectives in detail. For example: Learning objective: Understand the role in digestion of the … small intestine … Proposed answer: Small intestine is primarily responsible for absorption of nutrients (other than water). Food that enters the small intestine is in liquid form called ‘chyme’ and the highly folded nature of the intestine provides a very large surface area across which nutrients pass from inside the intestine into the blood. Notice that the proposed answer goes into considerably more detail than the question seems to ask. You should strive for this with each question. Note that the learning objectives provide a starting point for your studying. They are not meant as an exhaustive checklist of what you should study.

4 Essential Nutrients Water Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins

5 Calories = Energy Measure of energy that can be obtained from food
Needs depend on gender, weight, body frame, activity Average adult = 2000 cal Women = 1800 cal Men cal Michael Phelps = 12,000




9 Reading nutrition labels


11 What is organic?

12 Genetic engineering




16 Eat local food! Fresher – tastes better Promotes biodiversity
More diverse crops More diverse insects, birds, etc. in fields Small farms have more variety Reduce transport costs and carbon use Helps reduce global warming Supports local economy (your neighbors)

17 How to eat local and/or organic
Grow your own Shop at farmers markets Try to get local produce in the grocery store Buy organic at markets and grocery store Join a CSA (community supported agriculture)

18 Assignment

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