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Sampling Techniques.

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1 Sampling Techniques

2 Unrepresentative sample (i. e
Unrepresentative sample (i.e. Sherif’s participants) will lead to a sampling bias Sampling techniques It is necessary to recruit participants The way in which they are selected is know as sampling The aim is to have a representative sample (representative of the target population) to ensure the results can be generalised to explain the behaviour of the target population as a whole Target population -The population being investigated E.g. Asking teachers at a school about their views on food Investigating stress in an office building? So what is wider population?

3 Fact sheet - to present in your groups
Group one Random sampling What is Random sampling? Strengths and weaknesses of random sampling Group two Stratified sampling What is stratified sampling? Strengths and weaknesses of stratified sampling? Group three – Volunteer and opportunity sampling What are these methods of sampling? What is the difference between volunteer and opportunity sampling? Strengths and weaknesses of volunteer? Strengths and weaknesses of opportunity.

4 Ethical considerations

5 Ethical considerations – BPS ethical code is based around 4 principles
Summarise the four main principles (text on learning space) Respect Competence Responsibility Integrity What is the difference between the principles and the guidelines?

6 Risk Management There can be risk to participants, researcher and animals if they are sued in a study. There can also be risks to the environment or society. Risk therefore must be managed by looking at the highest risk first, working down to the lowest level of threat. It is about looking at the probability of a threat happening against the consequences.

7 Situations where there is likely to be risk in research (according to BPS)
Vulnerable participants (under 18, vulnerable) Sensitive topics Deception Accessing records Harm – pain or distress Types of experiences – i.e. hypnosis, invasive technique or strenuous exercise Labelling Biological samples – taking blood

8 Process of risk management
Identify the risk Find out about risk and consider how the risk might occur Put forward ideas to manage the risk Analyse the risk for probability and consequence Seek further information and decide whether study should go ahead Put measures into place Learn from what happens Process of risk management

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