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Obligation of Funds Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)

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Presentation on theme: "Obligation of Funds Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Obligation of Funds Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)

2 The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
ESSA Program implementation begins in the school year. RPS participates in VDOE sponsored technical assistance to comprehend changes under the new law.

3 Obligation of Funds Reserved for Equitable Services
Provide equitable services in the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated; Consult with appropriate private school officials to determine an effective manner for disseminating the notice of allocation to appropriate private school officials; Determine a reasonable timeline for providing the notice of allocation; and Ensure that the notice is provided prior to the beginning of the school year.

4 Main Areas for Obligations
Determining Allocations Establishing Timeline for Obligation Communicating Obligations Procurement and Reimbursements

5 Proportionate Share A school division must obligate the funds allocated for equitable services under all applicable programs in the year for which they are appropriated.

6 Determining Allocations
Title II Allocations less administrative costs Per Pupil Basis Private Elementary and Secondary Schools In Areas Served by the LEA

7 Title II Allocation A. Number of Students LEA Enrollment 10,000
LEA Enrollment 10,000 Participating Private Schools Enrollment 100 Total Enrollment 10,100 B. Title II, Part A Allocation Total LEA Allocation $200,000 Administrative Costs $4,000 LEA Allocation Minus Admin Costs $196,000

8 Title II Allocation Per Pupil Rate Title II Adjusted Allocation
Title II Adjusted Allocation $196,00 $19.40  Equitable Services Allocation Total number of private school students X Per Pupil Rate $1,949

9 Consultation Timeline
Contact private school officials and conduct initial meaningful consultation Consultation to determine eligible schools and students Begin providing equitable services Revise Allocations Spring Spring Late Winter Summer Submit application/ plan, notify private schools of allocations Early winter Fall

10 Timeline A school division should notify private schools officials of the anticipated timeline so they may be well prepared with the necessary information and data for decision-making.

11 Timeline A school division may extend the timeline and allow the funds to be available for the subsequent school year. However, a school division should consult with appropriate private school officials when changing the timeline.

12 Communicating Obligations
Obligation should be communicated to the private school officials in written form. U.S. Mail Website

13 Communicating Obligations
Communications should also include: Method of determining allocation Allocation amount Time frame for the expending funds

14 Procurement and Reimbursements
Plan with private school officials the types of services that will be purchased. Establish a time frame of when purchases will be made. Establish clear procedures for any reimbursements and expected time frame for reimbursements.

15 Procurement and Reimbursements
Teachers should pre-pay for professional development activity. Submit requests for reimbursement, along with agenda identifying sessions attended. School division determines percentage of time spent in secular, neutral, non-ideological activities. Reimbursement should be based on that percentage. (e.g., if 50 percent of time was spent in allowable activities, then reimbursement percentage applies to all expenses – registration, travel, etc.)

16 Main Areas for Obligations

17 Main Areas for Obligations

18 Information on Equitable Services
Additional information about Equitable Services can be found by searching Equitable Services on the Department’s Website. 18

19 Information on Federal Programs

20 General Information Cheryl P. Bostick, Manager
(804) Karen Blake, Technical Assistant (804) Leah Harrison, Grant Writer (804) Project Coordinator TBD

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