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No hand written/printed papers will be accepted.

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1 No hand written/printed papers will be accepted.
World History Research Paper To replace two of your lowest Formative grades Directions: Write a full two page research paper on a topic from one of the Unit lists provided. (Sources should be listed on page three) Due: May 22nd Via Students with good karma (productive in class) will be able to “Level Up” and do consecutive research papers maxing out at 3. This will allow for up to six zeros to potentially be replaced. Student must turn in the first research paper (accurately following the expectations) before being granted permission to start the second research paper. Please note, students that have multiple zeros have proven themselves to not be productive in class. These students must make an effort to build good karma to qualify for Leveling Up. No hand written/printed papers will be accepted. Formatting: It must be typed: size 12 Arial font One inch margins throughout the entire paper Double Space throughout the entire paper It must be original work, no copy and pasting. must include a list of sites/resources used. no title, no name. In your research you will want to cover the following, failure to do so will result in zero credit: a) General Information Who was involved? What happened? Where did these events take place? When did these events take place? Why did these events take place? b) Analysis How did both sides react to the event? What long term effect did the event have on the two countries or the world? Was it a negative or a positive effect? What kind of impact did this event have on US‑Soviet relations?

2 World War I topics Treaty of Versailles War Propaganda Woodrow Wilson
World War I Battles World War I Causes Life in the Trenches Weapons and New Technology The Balkans Assassination in Sarajevo The Russian Revolution

3 World War II topics Appeasement of Hitler
Catholic Church and the Holocaust Churchill, Winston D-Day Eisenhower, Dwight D. Hiroshima and Nagasaki Holocaust Japanese-American Internment Nazi Germany Nazi Propaganda Pearl Harbor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

4 Cold War Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948) Sputnik (1957)
Berlin Wall—Setup and Demolition Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) Invasion of Afghanistan/Olympic Boycotts (1979, 1980 & 1984) Hungarian Uprising and Invasion (1956) The Korean War The Vietnam War Alliance Systems – NATO, NORAD, The Warsaw Pact

5 Grading Rubric Comments Score ___/35 Score ___/30 Focus/Organization
• The paper includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. • • All the information presented in the paper relates to the topic. • The ideas are sequenced effectively and logically. Comments Score ___/35 Elaboration/Support/Style • General ideas are supported with facts, examples, opinions, and quotations taken from a variety of sources. • Sources are cited correctly within the text and in a Works Cited list. • Statements that aren’t in the writer’s own words are set off with quotations, and credit is given to the sources from which ideas are paraphrased. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics • The writing is free of misspellings, and capitalization is used correctly. • Sentences are punctuated correctly, and the piece is free of fragments and run-ons. • Standard English usage is employed. • The paper is neat, legible. • Paper is original, no plagiarism. Score ___/30

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