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Grid Analysis of Radiological Data
Cécile Germain-Renaud Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire CNRS and Université Paris-Sud For the AGIR team
LIMSI – coll Tenon, FMP, Sainte Anne
Contexts A multidisciplinary research network Funded by programme Masses de Données of the french ministry of research - 3 years from Sept. 2004 Medical image processing and computational/storage grids LRI – coll LAL LIMSI – coll Tenon, FMP, Sainte Anne AlGorille CRAN LPC CHRU Clermont CNRS-STIC CNRS-IN2P3 INRIA INSERM Hospitals CREATIS Rainbow Epidaure Centre Antoine Lacassagne Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Partners Parallel Architecture - LRI – U. Paris-Sud & CNRS STIC Grid models & middleware Cécile Germain-Renaud, Romain Texier LIMSI – CNRS STIC Medical Image processing & software – Clinical research Angel Osorio, Julien Nauroy and team, Emmanuelle Frenoux Al Gorille – LORIA - U. Nancy & INRIA Lorraine Grid models & algorithms Emmanuel Jeannot CRAN – U. Nancy & CNRS STIC Image processing – compression Jean-Marie Moureaux, Yann Gaudeau CREATIS – CNRS STIC, INSERM Medical Image processing Isabelle Magnin, Patrick Clarysse and team LPC – U. Clermont & CNRS IN2P3 EGEE & Medical grids Vincent Breton, Yannick Legré, Antoine Llorens EPIDAURE - INRIA Sophia Image processing Xavier Penned, Radu Stefanescu RAINBOW-I3S CNRS STIC & U. Nice Software engineering – distributed components Johan Montagnat, Tristan Glatard Centre Antoine Lacassagne Clinical Research Pierre-Yves Bondiau Collaboration EGEE-LAL Charles Loomis, Daniel Jouvenot Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
The initial grid concept
1998 « A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. » Metacomputing(92), Iway(96) Key ideas Electrical power grid Resource level /QoS /Ease of use Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Evolution of the Grid concept
“Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations” [I. Foster and C. Kesselman and S. Tuecke. The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. Intl Jal Supercomputer Applications,2002] From computing to data Institutional grids: computation on very large datasets Particle physics production, Biomedical & Earth science deployed testbeds Not much intersection with the semantic grid context so far Resource sharing Static: authentication, authorization, accounting Dynamic: Scheduling Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Medical images and grids
LHC – PB/year: final decision for grid computing ONE radiology department – 10TB/year ONE CT-scan dataset 500MB Standards for Integrated Data and Computational Grids are emerging: Global Grid Forum Institutional support for operational deployement EU FP6 project EGEE: 30M€ only for software development US Grid3: 26 universities Strong Computer Science research implication: Structured grids: Globus Unused cycles: Condor CoreGrid What is the relationship between MI and grids? Simply put, hospitals and all kind of medical centers produce much more data tahn even the future LHC. One single radiology department = 10TB/ year Large Hadron Collider = 1PB/year Why ? Because of all these scanners, RMI and so on, that are routinely used primarily for diagnostic but also intervention planning and research, especially in neuroscience. Grids may be helpful with these large amount of information, first because of their raw power: storage and computation, and also because they provide the medium and softwware required to share them: this is the field of e-secinec, here e-medecine. However, one single exam is by itself quite large: typically a DVD, and the grid may also help for everyday clinical practice,that is for problmes that you or me could face just tomorrow, and that is the subjetct of this demo. At All levels of medical image analysis Collaborations across widely distributed datasets And/or Transparent access to large computing resources Security/authentication infrastructure Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Objectives Leverage medical image algorithms and their usage
Integrated computational and storage grids as a unified resource provider for compute/data/network intensive needs Image processing: research and clinical practice situations Sharing data and algorithms Specific grid services Identification and definition: technology and research Advanced middleware demonstrators Impact grid projects Strong collaboration with EU FP6 EGEE Applications testbeds Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Algorithmic & Clinical research
Use cases Epidemiology Health care policies Medical collections Ad Hoc Collections Algorithmic & Clinical research Algorithm research and deployment Availability of a large panel of datasets and algorithms Image guided diagnosis and surgical planning – Augmented reality Transparent access to computing power What is the relationship between MI and grids? Simply put, hospitals and all kind of medical centers produce much more data tahn even the future LHC. One single radiology department = 10TB/ year Large Hadron Collider = 1PB/year Why ? Because of all these scanners, RMI and so on, that are routinely used primarily for diagnostic but also intervention planning and research, especially in neuroscience. Grids may be helpful with these large amount of information, first because of their raw power: storage and computation, and also because they provide the medium and softwware required to share them: this is the field of e-secinec, here e-medecine. However, one single exam is by itself quite large: typically a DVD, and the grid may also help for everyday clinical practice,that is for problmes that you or me could face just tomorrow, and that is the subjetct of this demo. At All levels of medical image analysis Collaborations across widely distributed datasets And/or Transparent access to large computing resources Security/authentication infrastructure e-Learning Individual analysis e-medicine Augmented reality Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Work packages Medical Apps. Algorithm Gridification Core Grid Medical
Medical applications evaluation P-Y Bondiau Medical Apps. Interactive volume reconstuction A. Osorio Cardiological images Segmentation I. Magnin Humanitarian Medical Development V. Breton Image registration in oncology X. Pennec Algorithm Gridification Workflow Management J. Montagnat Dissemination C. Germain Medical data access protocols J-M. Moureaux Services for Interactivity C. Germain Medical data Management J. Montagnat Core Grid Medical Services Middleware evaluation E. Jeannot Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Research areas (1) Scaling critical components of distributed systems
Scheduling: where and when ? Agent-based scheduling and QoS: sharing resources across users Workflow management: application performance Contexts: (multi)processor scheduling, parallel scheduling Medical data and metadata management (coll. LAL and MediGrid) Interoperability between medical service/format standards and grid storage services Security/privacy and medical requirements eg patient benefit Adaptive storage and transmission Compression methods Network-adaptive compression (coll Network team CRAN) User-adaptive compression: Intelligent remote data access - Data of Interest Impact of network QoS (coll UREC) Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Research areas (2) Medical imaging algorithms
Parallel processing: 3D + time segmentation, non-linear registration Bronze standard evaluation Interaction between compression and image processing Impact on intrinsic performance Experiments: deployement and statistical analysis Rationale ? (semantic) grid users Integration of multi-scale/multi-level methods and compression Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Compression: QVAZM A Lattice Vector Quantization method
3D correlations: better detection of constant regions and contour preservation Brain RMI 64:1 SPIHT 3D QVAZM Brain RMI – 64:1 left SPIHT 3D right QVAZM Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Collection processing testbed
Grid-enabled Workflow PTM3D measurements Gold standard Consensus Bronze standard Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation PTM3D Volume Reconstruction Automatic Nodules CAD Registration Algorithms Network emulation QVAZM3D Compression Partially reliable transport protocol ADOC SPIHT Compression Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
The image database Goal: Provide an image dataset to the partners
Core: the personal collection of Angel Osorio - mainly CT Centralised very simple SQL BD Open to collaboration … Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Clinical situation testbeds (1)
gPTM3D: grid-enabling the PTM3D software Focus: services for interactive grids - visualization pipeline - EGEE Agent-based scheduling and QoS-oriented scheduling Adaptive compression Data and metadata management Interaction Render Explore Analyse Interpret Acquire Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Clinical situation testbeds (2)
CHINA – Collaboration between Hospitals for International Neurosurgery Applications A web-based application Goals Enable medical data exchange : Text-based data Medical images Second remote diagnosis 1 – YU Zhu Ping Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Services for Interactive Grids
Basic tools for seamless integration of the grid resources into general workflows Convergence with non-biomedical applications Depart from the computing centre model: Local data or computations must be included On-demand interactive Id Owner Submitted ST PRI Class Running On f01n qzha 5/19 07:34 R 50 fewcpu f11n07 f01n agma 5/22 14:50 R 50 standard f12n02 f01n publ 5/22 16:16 R 50 standard f03n09 f01n agma 5/22 22:46 R 50 standard f11n05 f01n agma 5/23 12:41 R 50 standard f01n11 f01n ying 5/23 14:17 R 50 fewcpu f06n03 f01n dpan 5/23 15:33 I 50 standard f01n divi 5/23 16:03 I 50 standard f01n publ 5/23 17:03 I 50 standard f01n publ 5/23 17:41 I 50 standard f01n dani 5/24 08:42 I 50 standard GADU: on-demand Algorithm research and deployment Availability of a large panel of datasets and algorithms Image guided diagnosis and surgical planning – Augmented reality Transparent access to computing power What is the relationship between MI and grids? Simply put, hospitals and all kind of medical centers produce much more data tahn even the future LHC. One single radiology department = 10TB/ year Large Hadron Collider = 1PB/year Why ? Because of all these scanners, RMI and so on, that are routinely used primarily for diagnostic but also intervention planning and research, especially in neuroscience. Grids may be helpful with these large amount of information, first because of their raw power: storage and computation, and also because they provide the medium and softwware required to share them: this is the field of e-secinec, here e-medecine. However, one single exam is by itself quite large: typically a DVD, and the grid may also help for everyday clinical practice,that is for problmes that you or me could face just tomorrow, and that is the subjetct of this demo. At All levels of medical image analysis Collaborations across widely distributed datasets And/or Transparent access to large computing resources Security/authentication infrastructure Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
From PTM3D to gPTM3D Volume and organs reconstruction help the surgeon to plan the optimal path gPTM3D first result interactive response time for volume reconstruction Thus, the first goal of our work was to reach interactive response time for thsi task. Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Figures Dataset 87MB 210MB 346MB Input data 3MB 18KB/slice 9.6 MB
22KB/sclice 410KB 4KB/slice Output data 6MB 106KB/slice 57MB 151KB/slice 86MB 131KB/slice 2.3MB 24KB/slice Tasks 169 378 676 95 StandaloneExecution 5mn15s 1mn54s 33mn 11mn5s 18mn 36s EGEE . 37s 18s 2mn30s 1mn15s 2mn03 24s Small body Medium body Large body Lungs Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Services for interactive grids
Front-end CE EGEE User Interface Computational steering Streams from/to a non-grid machine to/from running applications Coping with the submission penalty N tasks each with small latency T Potential completion bandwidth T-1 Impaired by the submission protocol Application-level scheduling Demonstrated at EGEE 1st and 2nd Conference - Selected as EGEE demo for the first EU review [Germain, Osorio Texier. Interactive Volume reconstruction and measurement MIM 44(2)] Interaction Bridge Scheduling Agent Worker Many applications, various solutions Master/worker (push), coordinator/collaborator with various localisations of the « master » Interact with remote data Clinical research: evaluate registration algorithms on large existing databases – Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Scheduling for interactivity
Grid level scheduling cannot be centralized Broker systems: matchmaking based on asynchronous information Node schedulers can implement complex policies Entities such as individual users, Virtual Organizations, applications, date,… Past and current resource usage Queue based: batch systems Short Deadline Jobs Immediate execution subject to access control without user reservation No preemption/no utilization degradation Context: Usage Policy Scheduling – Grid3 Fair share across SDJ: Soft real time scheduling with variable time quantum Many applications, various solutions Master/worker (push), coordinator/collaborator with various localisations of the « master » Interact with remote data Clinical research: evaluate registration algorithms on large existing databases – Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Interactive jobs on a grid: a scheduling problem
Short Deadline Job A moldable application – individual tasks are very fine-grained Soft deadline No reservation: should be executed immediately or rejected Sharing contract Bounded slowdown for regular jobs Do not degrade resource utilization No stong preemption Fair share across SDJ Contexts (multi) Processor soft real-time scheduling Network routing Differentiated Services To model these various interaction situation, we define SDJ: definition, example one ptm3d vol rec Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
Scheduling SDJ Interaction Bridge Task prioritization TP
User Interface User Interface User Interface Broker Broker Matchmaking Sharing with batch users is simple. MAUI scheduler offers all possible configurations Node Permanent reservation on virtual processors Transparent when unused CE Scheduler Cluster JSS Journée GDR Stic Santé - 09/06/2005
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