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My aim today is to teach you about:

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1 My aim today is to teach you about:
Character, setting and mood My aim today is to teach you about: Setting Mood Characterisation


3 There are all sorts of reasons why a writer describes a setting
There are all sorts of reasons why a writer describes a setting. It may be a story set in the future or the past, for example. We will need some help with the setting because it will be a place very different to where we live. The same applies to stories taking place in countries we may not be familiar with or in fantasy settings.


5 Mood can be created in a number of ways
Mood can be created in a number of ways. It might be something that happens or something the author tells us. Sometimes the setting can create the mood. So, for example, a setting in a graveyard could create a sad or an eerie mood.


7 Writers try to create interesting characters
Writers try to create interesting characters. Now, the obvious way to do this is just for the narrator to tell us what a character is like. However, there are more subtle ways. Sometimes they reveal a character by the way they speak and act.



10 Charles Dickens was an expert at creating vivid characters in his books. You don’t need to read an entire Dickens’ novel to enjoy his writing. Any of the early chapters of David Copperfield, Great Expectations and Oliver Twist will introduce you to some most unusual and well-described figures.

11 Writers create characters in a number of ways
Writers create characters in a number of ways. They may just tell you directly what one of their characters is like. However, the things they say, the way they same them, the reactions they have all help us to create our own unique image of that character in our imaginations. Dickens has chosen to show rather than tell.

12 Plenary We can gather a wealth of information about character, mood and setting by careful reading. This will add to our pleasure in reading because we begin to enjoy more than just the events in a story.

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