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Principals of Flowering Plants Taxonomy BOT 222

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1 Principals of Flowering Plants Taxonomy BOT 222
Dr. Najat Abdulwahab Bukhari Lecture 2

2 University Vision and Mission
To be a world-class university and a leader in developing Saudi Arabia’s knowledge economy Mission: To provide students with a quality education, conduct valuable research, serve the national and international societies and contribute to Saudi Arabia’s knowledge economy through learning, creativity, the use of current and developing technologies and effective international partnership.

3 College of science vision and Mission
To be a leader in basic science, its applications and culture to contribute to building the knowledge society. Mission: To offer study programs and developed research projects capable of providing society with knowledge and trained personnel through a stimulating environment for learning, creativity and scientific research with continuing quality to ensure optimal use of technology and general partnership.

4 Botany department Vision and Mission
Vision: upgrading the academic and research to keep pace with scientific progress and requirements of society. Mission: Development of Academic process and develop scientific research through strategic planning and a clear vision for science and technology at the country level. As well as training of national cadres, and the introduction of a methodology developed to meet the different needs of society, and to serve the various research and developmental projects in the community

5 Course Description Topics to be Covered Topic No of Weeks
Contact hours - Historical review of plant taxonomy (industrial , natural, evolution) 1 2 - Nomenclature - Classic taxonomy (morphological taxonomy of vegetation and floral characters – Fruits and seed characters. 5 - Key to taxonomical unites. - Fertilization and seed formation - The different kinds of fruits - The sexual differentiations of flowers and their fertilization 14

6 Nomenclature Naming is to distinguish individuals or groups with words or terms that vary among others. The name often reflects special characters or links the individual to a particular person or the environment of a minority. Names can be divided into: 1- common names 2- scientific names

7 Common names were used by nations and people for plants that are found in there environments using their own language, and passed down generation after generation. Common names are not enough usually to give a descriptive term for the entire plant. For example the names of carrots berries and fruits , therefore another attribute is added like yellow carrots, white mulberry and to lead their purpose. Common names could be mononomial or bionomial or polynomial. Advantages: Ease of using and simplicity. disadvantages : it does not follow a specific organization. The plant is often called different common names , for example (Tomato is called : Kuta- red eggplant-banadora).

8 Scientific names may be originated from Greek or Latin, there were various of naming systems and many discussions around those systems until Linnaeus adapted his scheme in his book “ Species plantarum”. In a modern nomenclature the genus name is given to a group of individuals with similar characteristics, followed by the name of the species for the plant intended .

9 Some species names are clear even to the non-scientific members , such as Datura of the Genus Datura and Roses of the Rose Genus Advantages and disadvantages of scientific names: Advantages: It is unified all over the world and is characterized by precision and order Disadvantages: Difficulty learning and understanding Length of the words And signed by the hard of hearing In addition it is not easily to recognize.

10 The name could be of a fantasy root which is linked to the ancient myths, such as cocoa genuse name “Theahroma” means food of the gods. The name may reflect a specific character , such as: Trifolium genuse, which means three leaflets. Genus name could be an honor and in memorial some of the scholars , such as Caesalpinia or Bauhinia, Aviccinia, Rhazya .... etc.

11 The first letter of the genus name is written wit capital letter, unless the name is derived from the common name, such as Iris and crocus the first letter is small. In modern nomenclature first letter is always capital letter without exception.

12 Origins of names could be:
The name could be driven from one or two. Latin or Greek words ( Grandiflora ) means big flowers. The name could be a specific character in the plant such as ( alba, rubra, nigra, sativa, communis, valgris, spinosa or sativa) .

13 The name could be driven from the place where the plant grow such as Alexandrinum, Egyptiaca, Arabica, Sinesis, and Japonica In some cases the name is driven from another genus connected to the plant such as (Plasmopora viticola) which is fungus infects vine leaves, the first lette of the species name is small letter Only in some exceptional cases

14 History and origins of Nomenclature
1- Theophrastus is the oldest left us his works in botany (Historia plantarum), on his book on the division of the plants on the basis of morphology of the plant in terms of trees - shrubs - grass or in terms of (annual and biennials plants). or (cyme and raceme inflorescences) or (archichlamydeae and Meta chlamydeae) or (upper or lower ovarian ). 2- Dioscorides ,the author of (De Materia Medica) The work presents about 600 plants most of the Mediterranean Basin for medical purposes. 3- Bauhin, the first to use Binomical Nomenclature

15 The first attempt to develop rules and principles to organize scientific names were follow:
The international botanic conference held in Paris in 1867. Vienna Conference 1905 Brussels in 1910, agreed upon rules were published in 1912 and known at the time the rules of the global label Amirca in 1926, Cambridge 1930, Amsterdam in 1935. Stockholm Conference in 1950

16 It was agreed at this conference on the general rules :
Each Individual plant belongs to a Specie, each Specie belongs to Genus, each Genus belongs to Family, Family to Order, Order to Class, and each class belongs to a Division, all divisions were under the plant kingdom.

17 Variety Species Genus Tribe Subfamily ends with …cideae Family ends with….aceae Order ends with … ales Class ends with …ae Division ends wirh .. Phyta Phylum plant kingdom Under the class there is : Rase, Cultivar, Strain and individual.

18 Big group can be divided into moderate by adding -sub before the name of the group, such as under the species (sub-family) (suborder) . Scientific name must be prescribes a two-part name or binary name for any taxon genus name followed by specie Each Individual must have only one scientific name.

19 First letter of Species is small letter , genus name is italics or underlined.
The Scientific name can have the name of the scantiest that discover it written after the genus name. In the case of changing genus or specie the original scientist name is written first in parentheses followed by the new scientist name.

20 The family name is derived from one of their genus or a synonym for it, and it ends with section (aceae). An exception , some names that have been used for a long time such as Gramineae, and palmae, and it can be distinguish of the alternative end with the section (aceae). If two sets of plants groups were included in one group whose members are similar, the oldest names of those is taken to represent the new group

21 a special excluded list called Nomina conservanda was developed to avoid inappropriate changes in the naming as a result of applying rules literally.

22 Some different species :
Modern Latin name ends ..aceae Latin name ends with … aceae Poaceae Graminae Areaceae Palmae Brassicaceae Cruciferae Fabaceae Leguminosae Apiaceae Umbelliferae Lamiaceae Labiatae Astraceae Compositae Clusiaceae Guttiferae

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