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Results from the Mid Atlantic High Frequency Radar Network

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Presentation on theme: "Results from the Mid Atlantic High Frequency Radar Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results from the Mid Atlantic High Frequency Radar Network
Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras: ~1000 km Coastline Results from the Mid Atlantic High Frequency Radar Network Hugh Roarty, Ethan Handel, Erick Rivera, Josh Kohut, Scott Glenn

2 Technology Development Road Map of HF Radar for SAR and Vessel Detection
Long Range CODAR develops enhanced blanking waveform for ship detection NWRA applies SIFTER algorithm to CODAR data, SRI develops tracker for SIFTER output Mid Atlantic HF Radar Network becomes operational with US Coast Guard National HF Radar Network become operational with US Coast Guard First long range system installed Ship detection program partnering with AMI CODAR patents GPS timing for frequency sharing Bistatic spar buoy deployed 100 nmi off Atlantic City, NJ Test Study of CODAR data into SAROPS Medium Range First system installed at Sandy Hook, NJ DHS bistaic buoy deployed near Ambrose DHS COE begins Bisatatic transmitter installed at SeaSide, NJ for testing SuperDirective system installed at Sandy Hook, NJ Second shore station added as part of Navy LEAP program Bistatic transmitter integrated with OPT PowerBuoy Standard Range Initial test install off Atlantic City, NJ Bistatic Buoy Installed off Atlantic City, NJ Small Boat Program Coordinated field exercise for DHS COE HF Radar become operational with US Coast Guard Permanent Install System Relocated to NY Harbor for NSF CoOP Program 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

3 LONG RANGE NETWORK 2003 2003 2001 2003 2000 2007 2001 2001 2006 2006 2009 2003 2003

4 C:\Documents and Settings\hroarty\My Documents\COOL\01 CODAR\MARCOOS\Renewal

5 Nested Standard Range Network

6 Existing Medium Range Network

7 Future Medium Range Network

8 2008 Spatial Coverage Unweigted Least Squares Optimal Interpolation

9 2009 Spatial Coverage Unweigted Least Squares Optimal Interpolation

10 2010 Spatial Coverage Unweigted Least Squares Optimal Interpolation

11 Spatial and Temporal Coverage Metric

12 Curly vectors plotted with NCAR Computing Language (NCL)
Winter DEC ’08 – FEB ‘09 Curly vectors plotted with NCAR Computing Language (NCL)

13 Spring MAR ’09 – MAY ‘09

14 Summer JUNE ’09 – AUG ‘09

15 Fall SEP ’09 – NOV ‘09

16 Validation of Optimal Interpolation Totals
Feb 24-April 4, days


18 Drifter OI UWLS

19 MARCOOS Regional Theme 1: Maritime Safety, Search And Rescue
Individual Site Data Data Aggregator Forecast Product Generation Product Aggregator Decision Tool MARCOOS Regional Theme 1: Maritime Safety, Search And Rescue Distribution: OPeNDAP/ THREDDS Data Format: NetCDF STPS, (UConn) MARCOOS Totals HF Radar Radials ROMS (Rutgers) EDS SAROPS NOAA National Network HOPS (SMAST) MARCOOS Year 1 & 2 NYHOPS (Stevens) Year 3 19

20 HF Radar and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model or (HYCOM) Currents in SAROPS
Date Time 22 July 2009 0000 Z 00 23 July 2009 24 24 July 2009 48 25 July 2009 72 26 July 2009 96 High Confidence (HF Radar) sigma (1 std dev) = 0.22 knots Tau (half life) = 264 minutes Low Confidence (HYCOM) sigma (1 std dev) = 0.37 knots Number of particles = 5000 SLDMB 39029

21 24 Hours Into Search HYCOM Low Confidence HF Radar High Confidence
HYCOM, (low Conf) 24 hrs HYCOM Low Confidence HF Radar High Confidence

22 48 Hours Into Search HYCOM Low Confidence HF Radar High Confidence
HYCOM, (low Conf) 24 hrs HYCOM Low Confidence HF Radar High Confidence

23 Search Area After 96 Hours
154 km 100 km HYCOM (Low Conf) 48 hours 232 km 123 km HYCOM 36,000 km2 10,500 nmi2 HF Radar 12,000 km2 3,500 nmi2

24 May 4, 2009: After a year of testing, NOAA Announces on
U.S. Department of Commerce Website that MACOORA CODAR is Operational in SAROPS U.S. IOOS Goal for 2010: Bring all sustained regional-scale HFR networks up to operational status in USCG SAROPS 24

25 HFR Current Mapping Product Development Road Map for Search and Rescue
First Standard Range Codar deployed on East Coast near Atlantic City, NJ Long Range Network Shown to be Effective in Second Coast Guard SAROPS tool Mid Atlantic HF Radar Network Operational with US Coast Guard “A Plan to Meet the Nations Surface Current Mapping Needs” Implemented Hurricane Floyd Simulation Predicts Factor of 4 Reduction in Search Area Using Field of Currents vs. Point Measurement MARCOOS Establishes First Regional High Frequency Radar Network Radial and Total Sensitivity Study Undertaken to Provide Best Data to Environmental Data Server Standard Range Network Proves to be Useful in Coast Guard Research and Development Pilot Study Optimal Interpolation Combination Method Effective in Filling Spatial Gaps in Mid Atlantic Tests National HF Radar Network Operational with US Coast Guard 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

26 Enhancing the Network with Bistatics
LEAP-R-T4 Enhancing the Network with Bistatics Bistatic from SEAS Transmitter Bistatic from SEAB Seasonde Backscatter

27 Monostatic and Bistatic Target Geometry
LEAP-R-T1 Monostatic and Bistatic Target Geometry Monostatic Geometry at 13 MHz SNR 17 dB Bistatic Geometry at 13 MHz SNR 32 dB Contours of SNR and Range

28 Radial Current Vectors
LEAP-R-T4 Radial Current Vectors

29 Totals from Radials

30 Elliptical Current Vectors
LEAP-R-T4 Elliptical Current Vectors

31 Totals from Radials & Ellipticals
Coverage Area from only Radials

32 The Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce (CSR)
DHS Center of Excellence for Port Security 11 Institutions – Maritime Domain Awareness & Resiliency Maritime Domain Awareness Approach – Dual Use Technologies Demonstrate Nested Vessel Detection Global > Approaches > Port University of Miami – Global Satellite Coverage, Visible & Microwave Rutgers University – Over-the-Horizon Compact High Frequency Radar Networks Stevens Institute of Technology – Local High-Resolution Optics & Shallow Underwater Acoustics

33 GPS Track of YM Los Angeles

34 Pepper Plot of All Detections

35 Association of Detections with GPS

36 Detections on a Map

37 Other Detections

38 Conclusions Mid Atlantic Long Range HF Radar Network is celebrating its 10th anniversary MARCOOS is delivering Quality Controlled Surface Current Data and Forecasts to the US Coast Guard for improved SAR HF Radar Network is helping to describe the nature of the flow in the Mid Atlantic We are also developing the dual-use capability of the radar for vessel detection

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