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Michael Spayne Focus LMI

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Spayne Focus LMI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael Spayne Focus LMI
Over 20 years as a labour market analyst trying to make sense of what happening in the labour market. I used to say I am an analysts not an adviser but in the last 2 years I have done some advice work and this has changed my view to some extent on LMI. Simple, understandable and accessible information that can be useful. Also some information which clients can follow up on themselves.

2 Using LMI with Clients Future Trends

3 What is LMI?

4 Where people work (jobs and sectors) Wages Vacancies Skill Shortages
Unemployment Future trends What vacancies are available, where are they, who is recruiting- which employers Future trends because its not just about getting people into a job now what is likely to happen in the future - what is the direction of chnage

5 Information into Intelligence

6 Why use LMI?

7 Opportunities Available Motivational Interviewing
For individuals Inform Decisions Opportunities Available Dispel Myths Motivational Interviewing Career Planning

8 Useful Sites / Reports Nomis
Graduate Prospects Careers Wales Adzuna icould Careers of the Future Working Futures

9 Focus LMI © 2016

10 Focus LMI © 2016

11 Job Choice Affects Wages

12 Weekly Wage By Occupation

13 Weekly Wage Chef

14 Job Vacancies (Skill Shortages)
Skill Shortages are when there are not enough people with skills, qualifications and experience to do fill vacancies. Usually command higher wages because demand is higher. Skill shortages occur frequently and particularly in an ever ch

15 Future Trends Some clients may not be looking for a job now – paraticulalry young people – in any case we need to be aware of the direction of change in the labour market to enable us to adapt and be prepared.

16 Adzuna collects on-line vacancies from many sources and brings them together in one place. But as a result it also generate some really sueful real-time LMI particularly on vacancies and wages.













29 Can also look at the wider sector – there are profiles on Careers Wales as well as other sites






35 Focus LMI © 2016

36 The Future is Uncertain

37 Direction of Change However, we do need to take a view on the future.
We need to decide how to invest in education & training both at government and institutional level. Individuals need to be able to plan for their futures. Professor Rob Wilson of the IER argues that in these circumstances forecasting is not just possible but inevitable. The only question then becomes how you do it. Economist such as Professor Wilson use forecasting models to predict the future – you put data in one end and get data out of the other. Past trends are often taken into account. The longer ahead the prediction the less reliable they are. They cannot foresee unexpected events like the credit crunch – but they can claim to have a logical methodology. I am skeptical so also like to take perhaps a less scientific view – to look beyond statistical models. I have looked at inventions and developments already in place that have the potential to grow and develop into areas that could have a huge impact upon the jobs market. These are not my own subjective opinions – I have selected areas where there is a broad consensus on the potential.

38 Trends Knowledge Based Low Carbon Digital Economy

39 Employment by Occupation - UK - 1994

40 Employment by Occupation - UK - 2024

41 Hour Glass Occupational Structure?
More Professional Jobs Fewer Intermediate More Lower Skilled

42 Holland (matching) Savickas (career adaptability)

43 1 in 3 people born in the UK today is expected to reach 100.

44 Top Ten inventions - 20th Century
Nuclear Power The Personal Computer The Airplane The Automobile Rocketry The Submarine Antibiotics Television Internet Radio Source:

45 Contact Details

46 Useful Sites / Reports Nomis
Graduate Prospects Careers Wales Adzuna icould Careers of the Future Working Futures

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