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Sara Spencer Jo Iacovides

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Spencer Jo Iacovides"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sara Spencer Jo Iacovides
Post Graduate Research at the Open University: What you need to know right now! Sara Spencer Jo Iacovides

2 Student Journey ?

3 @LegoAcademics

4 Expectation vs Reality

5 Student Journey


7 Challenges along the way…

8 Nailing that elusive research question

9 Dealing with new equipment and data

10 Access to facilities

11 Changes to my supervisory team
At the start James Aczel, Josie Taylor, Will Woods …. At the end Eileen Scanlon, Patrick McAndrew, Will Woods


13 Socialising

14 Misconceptions (my own and others)

15 That my topic meant I got to play video games all day

16 That you know a lot about everything

17 That a doctorate will guarantee you an academic career
USA example 70000 post-doc positions 3000 tenure track jobs… A PhD alone is not longer enough


19 Milestones 1 Registration (clock starts – 4 years FT, 6 years PT) 2
Supervisory Meetings (min 10/year FT; 5/year PT – throughout degree) 3 Progress reports Twice per year – throughout degree

20 Milestones 4 Probation (transfer) (1 year FT, 2 years PT) 5
Intention to submit 3 months before - examiners appointed 6 Thesis submission You must be registered to submit your thesis

21 Milestones 7 Viva voce Ideally within six to eight weeks of submission
8 Result Following ratification by RDRAC 9 Corrections/amendments Timelines (up to 12 months)

22 General advice Understand the concept of ‘good enough’
Be realistic about your progress Understand your goals – if in doubt ask Fear of failure ‘Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go’ T.S. Eliot Get with the programme – manage your time Taking advantage of development opportunities available

23 Research Degree Regulations 2016
New regulations (October 2016) If you have any questions please refer them to the Research Degrees Office

24 Research Degrees Handbook
Updated annually to reflect changes in the regulations, policy, procedures MRes handbook can be found on the Graduate School Network If you have any questions please refer them to the Research Degrees Office

25 Where to get help Supervisors Third party monitor
Postgraduate tutor/DADR/ADR Graduate School Research Degrees Office Open University Student Association Widening Access and Success Support Team

26 Complaints & Appeals The Open University aims to provide all students with an excellent learning experience that enables them to achieve their academic goals. We recognise that sometimes things go wrong and, when they do, we welcome the opportunity to put them right as soon as possible. The Student Complaints and Appeals Procedures apply to all enquirers, applicants and research students. Students can obtain this procedure in alternative formats and seek help, advice and guidance on making a formal complaint or appeal from the Complaints and Appeals area of the Help Centre, the Graduate School Network and from either the Student Casework Office or the Research Degrees Office.

27 T. S. Elliot We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.

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