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Seven simple steps. Seven simple steps 1 There is no going back 3.

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2 Seven simple steps

3 1 There is no going back 3

4 Be strong & courageous

5 Christianity Rediscovered: An Epistle from the Masai (1978)
In working with young people do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, as beautiful as that place might seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before. Christianity Rediscovered: An Epistle from the Masai (1978) 5

6 Dying to live “ I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat
falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12; 23-6 6

7 You must get the order right
2 You must get the order right 7

8 Prayer Love Relate Create Prayer

9 Inspiration Investigation Intuition Imagination Experimentation

10 3 Why are you here? 10

11 The church is Gods gift to the world.
Why are you here? The church is Gods gift to the world.

12 ‘ the church is missionary by it’s very nature…….
the church does not have a mission but the mission has a church.’ Prophetic Dialogue. Bevans and Scroeder .

13 Darrell Guder, Missional Church, p6
Moving from church as a place where certain things take place to church as a body of people sent on a mission Darrell Guder, Missional Church, p6

14 The big picture of mission
Community context Word Event

15 ‘ The verbal witness indeed remains
indispensable, not least because our deeds and our conduct are ambiguous, they need elucidation.’ David Bosch ‘euangelion’ appears 72 times in gospels It means good news or gospel’. Used for birthday party Announcement of birth Victory

16 4 Learn from the fridge 16

17 Effectuation Learn from the fridge Effectuation Saras Sarasvathy

18 Three key questions for mission
Who am I ? What do I know? Who do I know ?

19 How might you answer the three key questions for mission
in your context ?

20 We are doing this so that…..
5 We are doing this so that….. 20

21 To make of Jesus Goal 1 of Diocese s 21


23 instruction imitation participation model with others
Dance like this ………………………… instruction imitation participation model with others Many ways to dance -variety

24 Personal Co-operative Life long learning Communal Whole of life

25 What kind of people are we called to be?
What kind of community is capable of raising people like that?

26 What are you asking us to do?
6 What are you asking us to do? 26

27 Not my job Not equipped Not gifted Move from us to we

28 What are we asking everyone to do? So what else do we need to do
1. Pray specifically for people 2. Tell our story and the story Not give a doctrinal defence of Christian faith 3. Invite In lots of different ways So what else do we need to do collectively ?

29 Telling is not

Control to stir Answers to questions Certainty to risk

31 Multiplying small is beautiful
7 Multiplying small is beautiful 31

32 The average size is 44 and starting team size is 3-12
75% people outside church, 40% unchurched, % dechurched 45% progression and 61% pioneer 49% lay led 83% parish, 11% deanery and 6% Diocese .

33 As a church what one thing do you need to do to see more clearly ?
2. As a church what one thing must you stop doing to see more clearly? 3. What questions are you left with?

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