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Dr. Upendo John Mwingira NTD programme manager

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1 Dr. Upendo John Mwingira NTD programme manager
Updates on Monitoring and Evaluation of the National programme-Tanzania Dr. Upendo John Mwingira NTD programme manager 9-11 February 2015-Geneva

2 Tanzania –background information
Population: 44.8 mil people (2012) Area:940,000 Sq Km. Regions:25 Local Government Councils (“districts”): 160 LGAs are NTD’s program Implementation Units (Ius)

3 NTD Endemicity: Overlap Map
44 Million People 947,300 sq km 5 PCT NTDs >10 Case Management NTDs

4 Presence of Integrated National Programme
Item Description Status Integrated National NTD programme In Place at all levels At all levels National Plan of action In Place and rev Main source of Financial support Direct funding-From Donors M&E plan of action Not available.M&E is part of the Master plan and matches the MP Not Proportion of the budget for M&E 10% in In 2014 >10% due to TAS & trachoma impact surveys

5 Summary of country’s progress with NTD control and elimination; update on progress of treatments delivered in the country for the year 2013 and 2014.

6 Status of mapping for each PC disease
Trachoma mapping Completed in 2014 20012/13 mapped–9 districts all were Not endemic except 1 2014- Mapping 19 all passed except Chunya

7 Distribution of trachoma in Tanzania by May 2014
Trachomatous inflammation follicular (TF) in children aged 1-9 Trachomatous Trichiasis (TT) in people aged 15+

8 Geographical coverage, National coverage and Programme coverage in 2014.
LF STH Zithromax Praziquantel Geographical Coverage 64% 64%(>5 yrs and above and 100 % for months 82% 63% National Coverage 93% 73(>5yrs and 100%,5 years 59% Programme Coverage 75% 115% 76% 68% Number of people treated by disease All Treated 20,648,354 8,168,395 *5,464,872 1,901,100 Delayed

9 Summary on requested of donated Medicines
Tablets Donated/requested Donor Channel Albendazole 40,862,970 GSK WHO-HQ Ivermectin 83,873,534 Merk MDP Praziquantel 8,360,117 USAID/SCI direct

10 PCT data management Practices

11 M&E tools Joint Reporting Form, In use since 2014.very useful National
comment level Joint Reporting Form, In use since 2014.very useful National Joint Request for Selected Medicines In use since 2014 very useful Annual work plan Yes we have and developed during annual joint planning PC Epidemiological data reporting Form, We use disease specific report formats and datasets. Plan to include in the integrated database in 2015 Summary data form In triplets and summarises all MDA activities info in numbers Health facility, District and regional Integrated Register School Registers In use .Capture all medicine distribution except Praziquantel which is in School registers(gender segregated) Community level Tally sheets Used in 2014 Integrated MR campaign (gender segregated) Community/HF level

12 Data quality NTD Tally sheets..xlsx
DQA was piloted in May 2014 in 6 districts and found it very useful need to modify it and use on routine supervision Coverage survey was conducted in 14 districts and report is underway

13 Efficiency & effectiveness of data flow & reporting from treatment points
Data delays from the Community to the district This was not a problem for 2014 as we had daily call in Data system in the integrated campaign Ivermectin&Albendazole distribution with MR vaccine as well as in the mop up exercise Each region had a supervisory team and worked as follows: a special call data form per region and district was designed Each district data form was filled and compiled on daily basis on call and shared with the region then national level latest on the 2nd day. This was done for all 7 campaign days. We have the national database but little of it is used since its not cascaded down to sub national level who generate the data.

14 Impact assessments LF Pre-TAS in 53 districts all qualify for TAS except 2 TAS -LF TAS-Done in 4 districts(Muheza,Lushoto,Newala and Mkuranga- all passed One district of Tandahimba stopped MDA on 2009 and TAS1 and TAS2 have been done all passed. Oncho Evaluations in 2010 indicated disease interruption Trachoma assesments- 2012/13-out of 10 surveyed for Impact; 2 failed need MDA 2013/ and 3 failed need district wide MDA

15 Implementing Gaps of impact assessments
Need to remap for Lf and do TAS in 8 regions which are yet to start MDA Funding is available for 4 regions to be remapped before June 2015 and not yet for remaining 4 Onchocerciasis epidemiological and entomological surveys yet to be done in 12 districts out of 19

16 Surveillance activities
LF TAS after 2 then 4 years in Tandahimba district all passed Need to have a clear plan on surveillance at country level to be cascaded to sub nationals

17 main resource gaps impeding/challenging the implementation of M&E activities

18 M&E challenges & needs Funding for remapping of LF
TAS in over 40 districts Current Categorization Schistosomiasis endemicity Dataset use-Need to fill in previous year data info Build capacity: Despite the capacity built in 2013 there is till a need to to train our New data manager Refresher training for M& E officer and few team members on the Database and Joint reporting tools Logistic officer on Joint Drug application

19 Collaboration with other Research institutions
In M&E the programme works with: The Muhimbili University of Health and allied science-In parasitology(mainly schistosomiasis and STH) National Institute for Medical research- Oncho, Trachoma , LF and Schisto/STH surveys-We consult with technicians ,scientist and statisticians RTI-Trachoma Surveys CNTD-LF TAS and sentinel sites SCI-Schisto an STH TFGH-LF remapping and TAS CDC-STH –TAS GMTP-Trachoma Mapping APOC- Oncho surveys From 2015 we will have M&E WG for technical advisory on M&E matters

20 Thank You Asanteni Sana

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