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CCP: Monitoring and Evaluation

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1 CCP: Monitoring and Evaluation
CCP Workshop Musqueam First Nation October 19th, 2016

2 Overview Monitoring & Evaluation Initiative - second community Census!
Planning team: Dianne, Jessica, Larissa Technical support: Joanne and Sasha Census Recorders: Our Youth – Brit, Zoe, Angelina, Sarah, Sacheen Part of the Comprehensive Community Planning process

3 nəc̓əmat tə šxʷqʷeləwən ct We are of one heart and mind
Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) vision: We are of one heart and mind 11 high level community objectives and related actions Approved by Council in 2011

4 Objectives and Actions
Core Objectives, Community Objectives and high level actions

5 Departmental Strategic Plans
Community Objectives inform department’s Operational Objectives which inform strategic actions and day-to-day actions. E.g. TLR plan: Community objective: Take pride in our culture; Operational Objective: Protect our Aboriginal rights and title; Strategic actions: Ensure consultation and accommodation of Musqueam interests – Consult with external governments and agencies; Current action areas: Coordination with Metro Vancouver Parks, City of Vancouver, UBC, etc.

6 Planning Cycle Where have we been? Where are we now?
Musqueam people and history, territory, historical timeline Past plans Where are we now? Community demographics & lands Where do we want to go? Vision, objectives How do we get there? Actions Have we arrived? Monitoring and evaluation Planning model

7 Monitoring and Evaluation
Goal: to track progress towards the community vision and objectives In 2012 conducted our first Community Census Survey of 116 questions Also developed indicators for each department that relate to operational objectives Results published in May 2013 > Musqueam First Nation Monitoring and Evaluation Report In 2012 we worked with all Program Administrators to develop the Census questions and indicators

8 Monitoring and Evaluation Results
2012 data collected establishes a baseline Will allow us to discuss trends, increasing in confidence with each subsequent census. Example data from 2012 Census:

9 Example Indicator Data
Example Census Data Example Indicator Data You can review the results in the 2012 Monitoring and Evaluation Report

10 2016 Monitoring and Evaluation
Commitment in CCP to a 4 year monitoring and evaluation cycle. Objectives for 2016 M&E are: The opportunity to inform the 2016 M&E process through the revision of the community census Engage Musqueam youth as census recorders to be activate participants in CCP M&E Illustrate Musqueam’s current position as a community through analysis of Musqueam census data that allows us to assess compliance and impact, and evaluate current programs Share and discuss the results of the community census

11 CCP Update The M&E project, Phase 1, will inform the second phase, planned for the fiscal year Primary objective of Phase 2 - integrate the results of the census and associated community engagements into updated Comprehensive Community Plan for Musqueam

12 Achievements Many of the actions outlined in the CCP are underway or have been achieved. E.g: Improvements to administration Ensuring consultation and accommodation Implementing the Land Use Plan (Future Development Plan) Development of key facilities - community centre, cultural centre and gallery, soccer fields Providing education programs, cultural programs, social programs, health and wellness programs, employment and training, and recreational programming And many more!

13 Celebrate our Achievements!
Many of the actions identified in each of our plans are well underway or have been achieved We used this opportunity to inform the community about these achievements! At the launch of the Census in July, we highlighted these achievements Opportunity to educate the community about all the services and benefits our programs provide

14 Everyone is Part of the Plan
Musqueam youth are engaging with the community to understand current needs, issues, priorities, and outcomes as census recorders Everyone is an integral part of the process and with active participation, we hope to make it as valuable to the CCP update as possible!

15 Thank you. Dianne Sparrow dbsparrow@musqueam. bc
Thank you! Dianne Sparrow Jessica Carson

16 Immediate Next Steps Arrange meetings in May to discuss program priorities, indicators, and Census questions Prior to the meeting, we will send your 2012 program indicators and census questions Please review them and the 2012 M&E report, in consideration of what you want to know from the community

17 Project Timeline – PA Involvement
In these meetings, we will ask each PA to consider and answer the following questions: What are your priorities for the CCP update? Should any of your program indicators from be changed, removed, or added to make them more relevant and collectable? Do questions from the 2012 Census related to your program provided useful information? Should any questions be removed, changed, or added?

18 Project Timeline – PA Involvement
June 2016 Finalize indicators and questions with opportunity for final review by DLs and PAs DLs ask PAs to review departmental workplans. Planning team will compile information on achievements related to strategic actions and action areas – for community celebration of CCP achievements (July) Test the census using focus group comprised of administration staff Troubleshoot issues and make changes based on participant feedback Inform community and promote Census at Aboriginal Day July 2016 Launch census at a community event celebrating achievements of CCP All staff and community invited

19 Project Timeline – PA Involvement
July – September 2016 Request all PAs to fill-in their indicator statistics. Planning team will provide data collection support, as needed. Target due date: Friday, September 2nd February 2017 Once finalized, send draft M&E report to PAs for review and comment March 2017 Distribute final M&E report to all staff Explain relevant findings to each department and begin discussions about phase 2 and how findings should be integrated into the CCP update

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