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IERG6120 Lecture 22 Kenneth Shum Dec 2016.

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1 IERG6120 Lecture 22 Kenneth Shum Dec 2016

2 Outline MDS codes Codes with locality constraints Menger’s theorem
Maximally recoverable codes

3 What is a code? A set of strings of over a fixed alphabet A.
(n, M)q code M codewords. Each codeword consists of n symbols. Alphabet size = q Hamming distance measures the error-correcting capability of a code. In the context of distributed storage, the n symbols in a codeword are stored in n nodes. Scalar-linear code The alphabet is a finite field Each node stores a finite field element The code is closed under addition and scalar multiplication Vector-linear code The alphabet is a vector space over a finite field Each node stores a vector of  finite field elements. Dimension k := log(M)/log(q). Dec 2016 kshum

4 Caveats Some people include the encoder as part of the definition of a code. Encoder Enc is a linear mapping from a k-dim vector space to an n-dim vector space. The codewords are all the possible outputs of the encoder. An encoder is said to be systematic if the k information symbols appear somewhere in the codeword. We usually re-order the coded symbols so that the k information appear as the first k symbols. A systematic code is a code together with a systematic encoder. Dec 2016 kshum

5 MDS code Achieve Singleton bound with equality.
No. of codewords = M = qn – d +1 (d denotes the Hamming distance of a code) If k = log(M)/log(q) is an integer, then any k coded symbols determines the codeword uniquely. Tolerate any n-k erasures. Highest level of erasure-correction capability. Dec 2016 kshum

6 Generator matrix of an MDS code
Every kk submatrix is nonsingular It requires that n!/((n-k)!k!) determinants are nonzero. Dec 2016 kshum

7 Generator matrix of a systematic MDS code
G=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & p_{11}& p_{12} & \ldots & p_{1n} \\ 0 & 1 & \ldots & 0 & p_{21}& p_{22} & \ldots & p_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0&0&\ldots&1&p_{k1}& p_{k2} & \ldots & p_{kn} \end{bmatrix} Every square submatrix is nonsingular No. of conditions = Dec 2016 kshum

8 Information set A set of k coded symbols is said to be an information set if it uniquely determine the codeword. In an MDS code, any subset of k coded symbols is an information set. Dec 2016 kshum 8

9 Locality constraint … … Example: a code of length 2m c2 c1
Codeword (c1 c2 c3 … cm cm+1 cm+2 … c2m) (local parity) cm = c1 +c2 +c3 +… + cm-1. (local parity) c2m = cm+1 + cm+2 + cm+3 +… + c2m-1. (global parity) c2m-1 = a1c1 + a2c2 + … +am-1cm-1 + am+1 cm+1 + am+2 cm+2 + … + a2m-2 c2m-2. ai’s are coefficients to be determined. Any coded symbol can be repaired by accessing m – 1 other symbols c2m c2m-1 cm+1 cm+2 cm-2 c1 cm c2 cm-1 Dec 2016 kshum

10 An example with m = 3 c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 m=3, Hamming distance = 3
Recover using the two locality constraints c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 10

11 Recover any two erasures
m=3, Hamming distance = 3 Recover using the global parity-check equation c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 11

12 Cannot tolerate any three erasures
m=3, Hamming distance = 3 It is information-theoretically impossible to recover information symbol c4. c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 Dec 2016 kshum

13 Cannot tolerate any three erasures
It is information-theoretically impossible to recover information symbol c1 and c2. c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 Dec 2016 kshum

14 Maximal recoverability
However, it is possible to choose the coefficients ai such that any other combinations of three erasures are recoverable. c1 c2 c4 c5 c3 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 14

15 Signal flow graph c1 c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 c6
A vertex is associated with a variable. An edge is associated with a coding coefficient. c1 1 c2 c1 1 1 c3 a1 a2 a3 c2 code symbols c4 1 c4 c5 1 Source symbols c6 Dec 2016 kshum

16 Linkage c1 c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 B c6 Given a digraph G,
and a subset of vertices B c1 A subset A of vertices is said to be linked from B if there is a set of |A| vertices-disjoint paths from B to A. c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 B c6 Dec 2016 kshum 16

17 Linkage (cont’d) c1 c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 B c6 Given a digraph G,
and a subset of vertices B c1 Example: {c1, c2, c3} cannot be linked from B. c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 Example: {c4, c5, c6} cannot be linked from B. c5 B c6 Dec 2016 kshum 17

18 Separator c1 B c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 A c5 c6
A subset C of vertices separates A and B if every path from B to A intersect C. c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 A separator consisting of c4 and c5. c4 A c5 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 18

19 Menger’s Theorem Theorem: Let G = (V,E) be a digraph, and A and B be subsets of V. If A can be linked from B if and only if there is no vertex subset C which separates A from B with |C| < |A| . Menger’s theorem is a basic theorem in combinatorial optimization and graph theory. Please see e.g. Chapter 13 in the book “Matroid theory” by Welsh for more details. Dec 2016 kshum kshum 19 19

20 An example of separator
c1 B A c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 20

21 A example of separator of size 2
c1 B B c2 c1 c3 c2 c4 c4 c5 A c6 Dec 2016 kshum 21

22 An example of separator of size 3
c1 B c2 c1 c3 c2 A c4 c4 c5 c6 Dec 2016 kshum 22

23 Implication If a set of code symbols cannot be linked to the set of source symbols, then it is information-theoretically impossible to decode the source symbols from them. Dec 2016 kshum kshum 23 23

24 Maximal recoverability
Conversely, if there are k source symbols, we can choose the encoding coefficients such that any set of k coded symbols which can be linked back to the set of source symbols is indeed an information set. Apply Schwartz-Zippel Lemma In the theory of network coding, this is essentially the same as a generic network code. Dec 2016 kshum kshum 24 24

25 References P. Gopalan, C. Huang, B. Jenkins and S. Yekhanin, Explicit maximally recoverable codes with locality, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Jun, 2014. M. Blaum, J. S. Plank, M. Schwartz and E. Yaakobi, Construction of partial MDS and sector-disk codes with two global parity symbols, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, May D. J. A. Welsh, Matroid theory, Dover 1976. Dec 2016 kshum

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