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Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement

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1 Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement
A Professional Book Study Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES


3 According to Marzano, True or False?
What students already know about academic content is one of the strongest indicators of how well they will learn new information relative to the content. TRUE – Chapter 1, page 1

4 According to Marzano, True or False?
All students have background knowledge even though not all of them have the academic background knowledge necessary to do well in school. TRUE – Chapter 2, page 29

5 According to Marzano, True or False?
Teaching vocabulary is synonymous with teaching background knowledge. TRUE – Chapter 2, page 35

6 According to Marzano, True or False?
Prolonged reading activities like SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) can generate virtual experiences that build student background knowledge. TRUE – Chapter 2, page 38-39

7 According to Marzano, True or False?
For the greatest impact, a compensatory reading program such as SSR should be implemented through grade 10. TRUE – Chapter 3, page 43

8 Step 1: Students identify topics of interest to them.
A 5-Step Process for implementing SSR recommended by Marzano : Step 1: Students identify topics of interest to them. Step 2: Students identify reading material. Step 3: Students are provided with uninterrupted time to read. Step 4: Students write about or represent the information in their notebooks. Step 5: Students interact with the information.

9 According to Marzano, True or False?
Reading develops vocabulary sufficiently so that direct instruction is not necessary. FALSE – Chapter 4, page 64-66

10 According to Marzano, True or False?
Effective vocabulary instruction relies first on definitions. FALSE – Chapter 4, page 70-72

11 Marzano (2004), states that effective direct vocabulary instruction is characterized by the following: 1. Does not rely on definitions 2. Linguistic and non-linguistic representations 3. Multiple exposures 4. Teaching word parts 5. Specific instruction for different types of words 6. Student discussion of words 7. Student play with words 8. Focus on terms with a high probability of enhancing academic success

12 According to Marzano, True or False?
Word frequency lists are the best indicators of which vocabulary to teach students within the content areas. FALSE – Chapter 6

13 According to Marzano, True or False?
Analysis of standards documents , specifying what students should know and do in the various subject areas, are valuable resources for determining vocabulary for direct instruction. TRUE– Chapter 6, page 117

14 According to Marzano, True or False?
A systemic target of 4,096 words taught through direct vocabulary instruction in K-10 is quite reasonable. TRUE– Chapter 7

15 Estimated Number of Terms That Can Be Taught
At Each Grade Level Grade Level Number of Words Per Week Total Words in 32 weeks Cumulative total K 1 32 2 3 96 128 4 256 5 160 416 10 320 736

16 Estimated Number of Terms That Can Be Taught
At Each Grade Level Grade Level Number of Words Per Week Total Words in 32 weeks Cumulative total 6 15 480 1216 7 20 640 1856 8 2496 9 25 800 3296 10 4096



19 Discussion Have you, your department, or your school developed vocabulary lists? How were the words on the list chosen?

20 Reflection One or two goals for helping students in my classroom/building begin to build academic background knowledge… - or- One or two goals for helping my colleagues understand the importance of building background knowledge…


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