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sTGC Router Optical Transceiver options

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1 sTGC Router Optical Transceiver options
Muon Week 2013/09/17 S. Hou Academia Sinica Taiwan

2 Outline Optical transceivers Issues on Fabrication, Radiation hardness
Versatile Link project : CERN TOSA+GBLD driver LAr SMU TOSA+LOCld driver Commercial products SFP+, LightPeak, .. Issues on Fabrication, Radiation hardness Choice and plan LAr Transceiver fits our need? Activities and plan

3 Outer detector transceivers vs Commercial products
Commercial: telecommunication and computing 10 Gb/s links with SFP+ transceivers for professional facilities 4.8 Gb/s USB3 for personal computing and household electronics Off-the-shell to HEP Laser, PIN are commonly rad-hard TOSA/ROSA, relieved coupling issue commercial ASICs are not rad-hard? HEP projects, rad-hard drivers + VCSEL CERN Versatile links, 850 nm, MM, GBLD (IBM 130 nm) SMU Multi-TX, 850nm, MM, LOCld (SOS .25 μm) 5 Gbps USB3 CERN VTRx 10 GB/s SFP+ SMU MTx

4 CERN TX module SFP format TOSA MM 850nm GBLD driver 5 Gbps
VL, Vasey, BGT, Moreira,

5 LAr MTX of SMU Similar to CERN VL product, TOSA of MM, 850nm
Use LOCld, driver of SOS process Speed 8 Gb/s Different geo/connector configuration constrain by LAr geometry TWEPP2012, Liu

6 HEP optical module production, lessons learned
Custom design modules are labor intensive, Difficulties include: - alignment for light coupling to fiber - uniformity in light coupling efficiency CDF used V-groove, submount Poor uniformaty SCT inner, used 45 deg fiber cuts as flat mirror SCT outer, used Alignment pins on FR4 as flat mirror

7 ATLAS optical failures, lessons learned
SCT outer: suggested cause of ESD, moisture, not yet cured. LAr OTX: suggested cracks in TOSA packaging (bending leads) modules replace and cured Favor VECEL in TOSA package Air tight in dry nitrogen OTX FEB G-link TX Epoxy Epo-Tek 353ND over active surface of VCSEL SMUX ~ 400 mm

8 Evaluation of commercial products, SFP+
Commercial Transceivers : commonly In TX/RX pair, for computer drivers plus control chip control chips are radiation fragile Newer CMOS chips maybe very different 10 GB/s SFP+ TWEPP2008, Amaral

9 New generation of optical transceivers
Intel Light Peak project High speed multiple I/O protocols, over a single cable USB3, Active Optical Cable 4.8 Gbps is in market Module by FOCI investigated - Bare die VCSEL/PIN (Avago) IC (VO510 by VIA Labs) drivers + control, of TSMC CMOS 90nm - PEI lens coupling to MM fibers

10 Light Peak Optical module
Advantage in packaging - Bare dies and chip in 2 mm cap, 5 mm wide Radiation tests : - Proton SEE 3x x109 p(30MeV)/cm2s - X-ray TID 380 kRad in 1hr observed 14 SEU VIA Labs V0510, function

11 VCSEL characteristics
TOSA, flex, pin VCSEL: Vertical Cavity surface emitting laser diode GaAs, thin active layer ‹10 μm, very rad-hard Little temperature dependence Linear V-I, linear Light output to current Commonly driven at 10 mA, (2 V). Burn by over current (>20 mA) L-I of an VCSEL array of 12 channels

12 VCSEL radiation damage (1)
VCSEL degradation is linear to fluence independent to Flux rate Fast annealing by charge injection (~5hr) operation current (10 nA) applied Signal speed is not effected wave form, Bit-Error-Rate tests L-I of VCSEL (oxide) vs. online Fluence L-I of VCSEL (oxide) vs. Annealing time

13 VCSEL radiation damage (2)
VCSEL in proton radiation  less damaged with higher proton energy  conflict with NIEL calculations GaAs solar cell Srour, IEEE TNS 50, 653 (2003) VCSEL (GaAs) at I=10 mA

14 Radiation tests of commercial products
QSFP, miniPOD, PPOD, ONET8501V, ONET1101L tested with X-ray or γ-ray, none meet the ATLAS LAr radiation requirement. Kintex 7, ONET8501 tested with a neutrons in Los Alamos SEU rate of Kintex 7 is too high for LAr. Vendor Part# Gbps # ch Rad type (krad/hr) TID (krad) QSFP Avago AFBR-79EIDZ 10 4 60Co  75 miniPOD AFBR-810FN1Z 1 x-ray 360 66 PPOD AFBR-810EPZ 12 150 VCSEL driver TI ONET8501V 39 178 F-P laser driver ONET1101L 9.6 464 < 900 Vendor Part# # of ch Flux (n/cm2/s) Fluence (n/cm2) # errors  (cm2) Kintex-7 Xilinx XC7K325TFFG900 16 (2 tested) 4.6E5 2.1E11 4/4 (2 shared) 1.6E-11 VCSEL driver TI ONET8501V 1 < 5E-12 SMU, TWEPP2012

15 sTGC router transceiver, choices
1. Use VCSEL in TOSA 850 nm, MM, 10 GHz  no fiber alignment issue, TOSA takes LC fiber connecter production is plainly PCB SMD process 2. Choice of GBLD or LOCld drivers 3. Joint Optical project of Phase-I LAr+NSW ? Requires approval LAr MTX is rad-hard, up to 8 Gbps (Xcheck?) LAr requires 5000 lines sTGC router is satisfied? Total 800 lines only QA, no R&D required Test fanout board, SMA to I/O e.g. Kintex7, Scope SMU MTX module

16 Preparations Manufacturers in contact 1. 2.
Expertise on active optical products Capable of >10Gbps modules, QA, circuits 2. Expertise on passive fiber assemblies Jointly with SMU, a visit to manufacturers is planned in early October  seeking all kind of collaboration opportunities and cost estimation Laboratory setup Bench test, scope for 10 GHz eye diagram Bit Error Rate using Kintex7 board Radiation tests, Co60 gamma, proton 30 MeV

17 Summary Propose to choose from LAr optical link options
 using the same transceiver  joint fabrication options Double check on LAr products  to quickly build up coherent expertise  work out router board protocol and functions

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