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Tectonic geomorphologic investigation of Marcal basin

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1 Tectonic geomorphologic investigation of Marcal basin
Judit Gál , Dept. of Physical Geography, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Lénárd Pál, Dept. of Geophysics and Space Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Supervisors: Gábor Kovács , Dept. of Geophysics and Space Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Dept. of Physical Geography, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary András Zámolyi, Dept. of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, Austria Meeting of Young Geoscientists Győr, 2011 1

2 Study area, general conditions
Demonstrable vertical movement- particularly Bakony Hills Marcal-basin: denudation semibasin mm/year 2

3 Marcal-basin Dense surface water system (precipitation 800 mm/y)
Sanded, impermeable, clayely, marly strata alternation Asimmetric basin, uplifting of Bakony Hills right-bank tributaries are longer, than the left bank brooks (good base to the study) 3

4 Main objectives Tectonic geomorphologic investigation: Method:
neotectonic process demonstrable boundary of the uplifting and subsiding zones Method: Sinuosity Seismic profiles, borehole data Earthquake data Geophysical measurements (VESZ) 4

5 Sinuosity runoff Bend development Influencing factors:
slope of river-bed (tectonics) runoff wash content, quantity Development (Schumm, 1963): S= development dmeder= channel lenght between A-B dlégvonal= distance between A-B A B 5

6 Second military survey (1806-1869)
triangulation geodetic base nearly natural, unmodified state 6

7 Evaluation-Marcal 4 sections: Section 1: 1-1.3 sinuosity
Sinuosity of Marcal Sinuosity of Marcal 4 sections: Section 1: sinuosity Section 2: descending: 1.1 50th km: 1.2 stagnant Section 3: 71st km 1.1 80th km 1.9! (fault?) abrupt increase Section 4: Abrupt descending 7 Forrástól mért távolság (m) Distance from spring-head (m)

8 Distance from spring-head (m)
Evaluation-Bitva Sinousity of Bitva Distance from spring-head (m) Section 1: 1.4 high value Section 2: Stagnant up to 17th km Section 3: 1.2 twice between 18th km and 23rd km Section 4: ~ 8

9 Distance from spring-head (m)
Evaluation-Hajagos Sinuosity of Hajagos Distance from spring-head (m) Section 1: high values (first 14 km)  correlation with the first kilometers of Bitva Section 2: stagnant up to 25th km Section 3: 4 top points: 1.2 9

10 Designation of the study area done by streams are seems to be available
to provide some information about the development and tectonic geomorphology 10

11 Seismic interpretation
Telegdi-Róth line 11

12 Detachment fault in the basement
Fault relate to weakness zone uncertain fault-outcropping 12

13 13

14 Faults can see due to breaking of reflections
Triassic detachment faults Weakness zones Faults can see due to breaking of reflections 14

15 15

16 Faults, fault-structures
Detachment faults Weakness zones Faults, fault-structures 16

17 17

18 Two types of detachment faults Telegdi-Róth fault zone
Faults, flower-structures Senonian synrift 18

19 19

20 20

21 Earthquakes Research area: 7 smaller (3-5 EMS) earthquakes (GeoRisk)
Hipocentrum: shallow (7-13 km) The hipocentrum of the earthquakes in the basement refer to neotectonic activity 21

22 VES Selecting the tectonical active places
The possible cropping out places of faults was measured with surface geophysics (VES) Outcropping places Telegdi-Róth outcropping places High sinousity value; Hajagos High sinousity value; Bitva 22

23 MG5 MG4 MG3 MG2 MG1 The upper layer with higher apparent resistivity correlate with the topography 23

24 EG3 EG2 EG1 EG5 EG4 24

25 Summary Relationship between the sinousity values and near-surface faults The Telegdi-Róth line, recent fault-structures, hipotesis of fault plane The uplifitng and the subsiding are not happening in a well-determined line Results of the integrated investigations: neotectonic activity Further study: shallow geophysical measurements, geological map correlation Outcropping places Telegdi-Róth outcropping places High sinousity value;Hajagos creek 25 High sinousity value; Bitva creek

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