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Causes of American Revolution– Trashball Review

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of American Revolution– Trashball Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of American Revolution– Trashball Review

2 Who drew it?

3 Ben Franklin

4 What does it mean?

5 Colonies need to join together under 1 government in order to survive and defeat the French during the French and Indian War

6 How did the French and Indian War impact the colonists?

7 War led to debt, which led to England taxing the colonies (so the war debt could be paid for)

8 Which group met under the Liberty Tree or Liberty Pole in their colony?

9 Sons of Liberty

10 What act brought the Sons of Liberty together?

11 Stamp Act

12 What kinds of things did the Sons of Liberty do in order to get their point across?

13 Tar & feather tax collectors
Destroy things (homes, goods, paper) Set fire to effigies (life-size dolls of tax collectors) Use violence and force

14 What was the end result of the French & Indian War?

15 French lost all of their land in North America.

16 Which act included the following?
Closing the port of Boston All colonists had to quarter soldiers Cancel Massachusetts charter Trials held in England


18 What did James Otis mean when he said, “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!”

19 The colonists did not think it was fair that they were being taxed by Britain and were not allowed to elect representatives in order to voice their opinions about the taxes.

20 How is this shape connected to what we learned about?

21 Triangular Trade, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Middle Passage

22 Which places were involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade?

23 England, Africa and 13 colonies

24 What document OFFICIALLY ended the French and Indian War?

25 Treaty of Paris 1763

26 What did the Proclamation of 1763 state?

27 Colonists could NOT move WEST of the APPALACHAIN MOUNTAINS.

28 Why were the colonists not happy about the Proclamation of 1763?

29 Many felt it was unfair, b/c they fought the F & I War in order to be able to settle in the Ohio River Valley region, b/c it was getting crowded in the colonies and all of the good farm land was taken.

30 Who did this engraving?

31 Paul Revere

32 What group did Paul Revere belong to?

33 Sons of Liberty

34 Who started the Sons of Liberty?

35 Sam Adams

36 Which victim has been “left out”?

37 Crispus Attucks

38 What battle is show?

39 Battle at Concord

40 What nickname does the Battle of Lexington and Concord have? Why?

41 “Shot Heard Around the World”
Everyone in the world knew about what was going on between the 13 colonies and Great Britain.

42 Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant to history?

43 Start of the American Revolution

44 Great speaker in favor of independence from GB?

45 Patrick Henry

46 Patrick Henry’s famous words to show that he wanted freedom from GB’s rule?


48 Paul Revere was a midnight rider, but who did not receive any credit for being one?

49 Wentworth Cheswell

50 Wrote plays and poems to show her dislike of the British and Loyalists?

51 Mercy Otis Warren

52 Contributed to the Patriots’ cause by giving money
Contributed to the Patriots’ cause by giving money. “The fairy godfather”

53 Haym Salomon

54 Showing disproval of laws through NON-VIOLENT ways is…

55 CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Examples – boycott, smuggle

56 What act is pictured here?

57 Quartering Act

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