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Enabling rooftop PV in Morocco

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1 Enabling rooftop PV in Morocco
Exécuté par Enabling rooftop PV in Morocco Philippe Lempp

2 Moroccan (renewable) energy strategy and objectives
Target: 42% of installed electric capacity from renewables in 2020 14% solar (unspecified) 14% wind 14% hydro Small-scale installations to play an important part besides big power plants of „Moroccan Solar Plan“. Energy Minister: From Q2(!) 2015, law to permit access to LV grid for RE generation „Net-metering“ as the system of choice, to reduce energy bill (read: facilitate subsidy reduction) Potential of 4,5 GW (residential and tertiary) PV by 2030 Geht Philippe Lempp

3 The economics, stupid! Current electricity between 0.08 EUR and 0.13 EUR (social pricing) Increased in August 2014 along with more pronounced social pricing! Further increases in 2015 Better-off people installing PV albeit uncertain legal situation, with meters turning in both directions Economically unreasonable prevention of feed-in from installations on administrative buildings (Ministries, ADEREE) for installations in the kW range PV will come, with or without regulation… Avoid the mess: regulation for installations to be duely registered Philippe Lempp

4 History of GIZ activities towards enabling rooftop PV
Project „PEREN“ has supported Ministry since 2008 and „advertised“ PV net-metering (and other RE in LV grid) Workshop in December 2013 with energy ministry, national utility ONEE, local distribution utilities (public and private), universities, industry association, GIZ, grid expert (Pöller) Result: increased momentum and establishment of working groups for technical, legal and socio-economic aspects Process came to a halt in spring 2014 Work relaunched with regional projects PSMéd (BMWi) and „DIAPOL- CE“ (BMUB) Ongoing: internal advice to ministry through legal expertise Philippe Lempp

5 Preparing the legal environment enabling rooftop PV
Current law „relative aux énergies renvouvelables“ is limited: Does not include LV (and by-law still missing for MV) Is not geared towards „auto-production“ but towards „commercialisation“ Goal: Make the renewable energy law Enabling netmetering for LV clients (incl. households, service sector) One law for PV and other small-scale RE (e.g. biogas) Time-constraint: ministerial announcement, and ultimately PV LCOE Philippe Lempp

6 Preparing the legal environment enabling rooftop PV
Approach: Keep it simple in the law : it should enable rooftop PV By-law and ministerial orders : they should promote rooftop PV Current analysis: For which LV customers is rooftop PV already attractive? Who needs support for the up-front investment cost? How do regulation details affect economic attractiveness? How to increase/decrease PV rooftop growth in a dynamic market? What expected economic impact for utilities? New business models? Philippe Lempp

7 Next steps Draft amendement law for finalised in ministry – sent to SGG (zur Qualitätskontrolle, Kommentierung): done  Defining net-metering regulation details with stakeholders: eligible netmetering clients / groups of clients / contractual parties period of production-consumption comparison? max. permitted generation capacity based on consumption? way of dealing with temporary and overall production surpluses? registration of installations technical requirements / infrastructure Philippe Lempp

8 Next steps Support programmes for customers and utilities
Communication and outreach activites, incl. Pilot projects to demonstrate business case „why you want to invest in rooftop PV“ Technical guideline for installation and grid connection Guideline of roles and responsibilities for different actors Development of procedures for technical approval and quality assurance (certification schemes for products and service providers) PV forecasting and integration – basis for a political target Take LV PV production into account for electricity scenarios Philippe Lempp

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