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ND Community Call Salmon Community November 29, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ND Community Call Salmon Community November 29, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ND Community Call Salmon Community November 29, 2016

2 Agenda Welcome Recent TA Requests State plans
New community members Introductions Recent TA Requests State plans Timeline, process, and stakeholders Content Next steps New Products & Upcoming NDTAC Events Updates for the Good of the Salmonites Closing

3 New Salmonites & Introductions
Welcome New Salmonites & Introductions

4 Welcome New Salmonites
State Name TIPD Role AK Sharon Fishel State Coordinator NV Colin Usher *New coordinators orientation in December

5 Introductions & If I knew then, what I know now . . .
National Geographic

6 Recent TA Requests If a Detention site has been classified by the state as a school, can it receive both Title I-A and Title I-D funds? If a youth is court ordered, assigned a probation officer and to attend an alternative school but lives with his/her parents can they be counted in the October count?

7 Recent TA Requests Is there a mandated requirement that youth be administered pre-assessments within three (3) days of entering a facility?

8 Timeline, Process, and Stakeholders Content Next Steps
State Plans Timeline, Process, and Stakeholders Content Next Steps

9 State Plans Timeline, process, and stakeholders Discussion
What is your state’s timeline? What is your state’s process for plan development, review, and release? Who is involved with the TIPD plan or TIPD portion of the consolidated plan? Who is reviewing the plan? Are any states considering adding JJ involved or N & D youth as additional subgroups for accountability purposes given the flexibility to do so per ESSA? Discussion Challenges to share? Strategies to offer? Questions to ask and perhaps discuss during our December calls?

10 State Plans Content Discussion What are you including for:
Intro/background Subpart 1 Subpart 2 Other? State plan template for TIPD Discussion Challenges, strategies, and/or questions for consideration?

11 State Plans What needs do you have as you develop or revise your state plans? How can your peers help? How can NDTAC help? What are your next steps?

12 NDTAC Updates

13 NEW! Issue Brief: Improving Conditions for Learning for Youth Who Are Neglected or Delinquent
Defines four conditions for learning (safety, support, social and emotional learning, engagement and challenge) Includes relevant research, strategies, and many resources related to each condition Primary audiences: public school systems and secure-care educational settings

14 NEW. Transition Toolkit 3
NEW! Transition Toolkit 3.0: Meeting the Educational Needs of Youth Exposed to the Juvenile Justice System Background information (transition process; complexity of the system; characteristics of youth in the system; literature/policies; strategies for successful transitions) Sections for each stage (entry, residence, exit, aftercare), with strategies and examples related to facilities, youth, families, and communities Self-study and planning document Soft NDTAC release this Thursday 12/1; Formal US DOE release this Friday 12/2

15 Upcoming Events Informal ESSA & State Plan Development Call
Date: Early- and Mid-December 2016 (YTBD dates) Participants: Coordinators within ND community (Gold, Salmon, Teal) Purpose: Provide an forum for continued informal discussions and sharing of potential approaches in light of the new regulations.

16 Upcoming Events New Coordinator Orientation
Date: Mid-December 2016 (YTBD date) Participants: New Coordinators within ND community (Gold, Salmon, Teal) Purpose: TIPD 101 and sharing of important roles, responsibilities, timelines and related resources and tools

17 Upcoming Events Topical calls First call date: January 2017
Participants: ND community (Gold, Salmon, Teal) Purpose: Discuss challenges, questions, strategies, resources, and successes associated with a single topic This year’s series: Supporting special populations through TIPD (English learners, students with special education needs, victims of human trafficking) – each call will cover federal requirements/guidance; state/local challenges, successes, and needs; implications for educator preparation, transition, and other issues; resources; and action steps Topic: Human Trafficking January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

18 Upcoming Events NDTAC conference Date: June 13-15, 2017
Participants: State TIPD coordinators, federal agency staff, and NDTAC staff Purpose: Professional development and networking for state TIPD coordinators Location: American Institutes for Research; Washington, DC

19 Closing All the best to our transitioning Salmonites! Until we meet again . . . Any updates you’d like to share? --Something you’re working on… --Something on the horizon…

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