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5.1 Exploring What Makes Triangles Congruent

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1 5.1 Exploring What Makes Triangles Congruent
1/25/17 Geometry 5.1 Exploring What Makes Triangles Congruent

2 A biconditional is a statement that can be written in the form “p if and only if q.”
Two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent. To decide whether two triangles are congruent, you can compare the corresponding parts. If they are congruent, the triangles are congruent. If any of the corresponding parts are not congruent, then the triangles are not congruent.

3 The contrapositive of a conditional statement “if p, then q” is the statement “If not q, then not p.” The contrapositive of a true statement is always true Triangle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180°.

4 5.2 ASA Triangle Congruence
1/25/17 Geometry 5.2 ASA Triangle Congruence




8 5.3 SAS Triangle Congruence
1/25/17 Geometry 5.3 SAS Triangle Congruence




12 5.4 SSS Triangle Congruence
1/25/17 Geometry 5.4 SSS Triangle Congruence

13 Prove that the triangles are congruent or explain why they are not congruent.

14 The contents in this PowerPoint were taken from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Geometry.

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