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Presentation on theme: "ESS 5TH GRADE NEWSLETTER"— Presentation transcript:

May 2015 Spring into the Curriculum Dear 5th grade Panda parents, Please continue to reinforce the 20 minutes of reading each night. Even though the year is almost over, this is something that should be encouraged throughout the summer too. We have much going on these last weeks of school so please look at the calendar reminders for upcoming events, including our field trip to Philadelphia. Inside this Issue: ***Quarter 4 Updates Mr. Serra’s Updates Ms. Eggleston’s Updates Ms. Stevenson’s Updates ESS 5TH GRADE NEWSLETTER May Calendar Date Reminders: PARCC Testing on May 8,9,10 and 12 Safety Patrol Field Trip on May 17 Philadelphia Field Trip on May 19 Field Day on May 31 Happy Birthday to our May “Pandas”! Contact us at:

2 Reading and Writing Check out what we will be working on in the fourth marking period! • Read and compare multiple texts, within a variety of genres, about the same topic. Example: The Buzz on Bees by Shelley Rotner and Where Have All the Bees Gone? By Jennifer Cutarothey • Discuss and analyze theme and figurative language found in literature. • Compare points of view of various texts using strategies, such as comparison circles. • Make inferences based on key details. Example: complete a double entry journal to record important details and/or quotes about the job of a beekeeper. Listed below are at-home activities you and your fifth grader can complete! Read a variety of self-selected texts every night. Identify two or more TV shows and/or books with the same theme or topic. Discuss how both sources are similar and different. Example: watch two fun game shows. Have free family fun! Visit the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. to learn more about animals and their habitats. Source: Created by MCPS Teachers at the C 2.0 Summit 2013

3 Mathematics – We will be exploring the following concepts throughout the month of May:

4 Science In Science students will practice using the microscope to observe and describe plant and animal cells and their differences and/or similarities. Stay tuned for more on the topic of “Multicellular Organisms”… SOCIAL STUDIES In Social Studies students will develop understandings about personal financial literacy and how to develop that in their lives. The progression is designed to develop critical understandings about informed , responsible financial decision-making…based on their knowledge of goods and services produced and consumed in Maryland.


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