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The Mystery of the Missing Jewel

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1 The Mystery of the Missing Jewel
By:Aaron Kao

2 I live on the planet Oogon, in which 2 races live on
I live on the planet Oogon, in which 2 races live on. We, the Pootons with our light green skin, and small, but handsome eyes had a disastrous, and heart-breaking war with the Slaurs; creatures with dark red skin, small pink eyes, and a wide mouth. We did not hate or dislike each other but instead, we treated each other as equals until our most loved, and prized possession, the Jewel of Oaxaca went missing. We figured that the jewel could not have been stolen by one of us, so we claimed that the Slaurs stole it, and a murderous, and disastrous war started. Because of this war, I lost everyone I once loved. My wife, dad, mom. and my best friend BingBing were all destroyed by the Slaurs machine like gun. This gun was not anything like a machine gun, but was 4 cm long, and 25 wide, firing 600 bullets per second.

3 It has been 6 months since the war, when the Slaurs, and we, the Pootons have become friends again. Both of our races decided that we could not go on living in a world at war with virtually no food supply. The water has also mysteriously vanished from existence, even though we live through breathing toxic, terror stricken air on our world in which humans from the planet Earth cannot withstand. Today, I am working with a Slaurian detective, Sherlock AJ to the missing Jewel of Oaxaca. I felt sorry that I could not capture the thief on the night it disappeared uncover the mystery of, as I was sleeping 50 feet away from it, guarding it in the Museum of Pootons. Sherlock AJ, and I had become very good friends through the weeks of trying to uncover this mystery. Sherlock AJ has always reminded me of my best friend BingBing, with his big leather jacket in which he could hide an elephant, just as what I was wearing.

4 It has been 4 months since Sherlock AJ, and I have been looking
for the jewel. We have not found one single clue, when I then remembered that we have not looked in the place where clues could easily be found, the Museum of Pootons. I was no longer a guard of the museum anymore, since the incident of the jewel disappearing. "8 PM we break into the museum", I told AJ. "Fine by me, but make sure you bring your prized tools" Sherlock AJ said. At 8 PM, I left to the back of the Museum of Pootons, and met up with Sherlock AJ. "Did you bring the tools?", he asked."I sure did!", I said.

5 I pulled out my dogs collar, BingBings grappling hook, mydads
poison my moms belt from my backpack my wife gave me for my 34th birthday which gas, and was a year ago. I threw the grappling hook in the air, and managed to hook onto the chimney of the museum. Sherlock AJ, and I climbed up the grappling hook onto the chimney. We then threw poison gas down the chimney to kill any parasites that could harm us, but it triggered an alarm. The guards thought that it was a false alarm, so they only sent 2 guys after us. We encountered these guys 5 minutes later on the chimney. I quickly smacked one of the guys out cold with my dogs collar, while AJ used my mom's belt and choked the other guy until he fainted.

6 Sherlock AJ, and I finally slid down the chimney to uncover
the place in which the Jewel of Oaxaca once was. There, I spotted my watch my grandfather gave me for my 8th birthday. "Could I have stolen the jewel without knowing?", I thought. AJ, seeing my watch then pointed his gun at me. BANG! Suddenly, I remembered what happened the night the jewel went missing. I was sleepwalking that night, and accidentally took the Jewel of Oaxaca without knowing, slipping it into my pocket in my big leather jacket. As I was slowly dying, AJ then checked my jacket pocket, and it was where the Jewel of Oaxaca was the whole time. Soon after he reached into my pocket, my eyes closed peacefully.

7 BingBing The End

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