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_____________ Status and plans in motion control at SOLEIL

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1 _____________ Status and plans in motion control at SOLEIL
Workshop Exchange around motion control at radiation facilities _____________ Status and plans in motion control at SOLEIL Dominique Corruble May 11th, 2011

2 Summary .. SOLEIL context and organization 2) Motion control status
Soleil in few figures Computing division and ECA group 2) Motion control status Hardware architecture and products Software architecture and microcodes embedded Results Plans Current developments New requirements and Revolution

3 .. SOLEIL context and organization 2) Motion control status
Soleil in few figures Computing division and ECA group 2) Motion control status Hardware architecture and products Software architecture and microcodes embedded Results Plans Current developments New requirements and Revolution

4 Synchrotron SOLEIL in few figures
SOLEIL Context Synchrotron SOLEIL in few figures Some dates : Building Construction began late 2003 First beam in Linac : July 2005 First beam in Storage Ring : June 2006 Fisrt beam in a beamline : September 2006 Located 25km from Paris 357 permanent peoples (trainees, Ph D student , post doctoral , not included) 2800 users in 2010 Some Beamlines (BL) characteristics : - 43 BL possible, but 26 planned - 17 BL open to user in 2010 (19 BL in 2011) - Goal : Commissionning of all BL before the end of 2011, except the “long” beamline Nanoscopium (new building) - Proposal submission : 33% from international Some Machine characteristics : Linac (110 Mev) Booster (157m circumference) Storage ring (circumference : 354 m) Energy : 2.75GEV Current : 400mA in top up mode, soon 500mA Beam availability : 96.3% (2010) organized in 5 departments Machine - Administration Experimental - Technical supports Computing

5 Computing Division 14/05/2018 SR group GD group ICA group ECA group
Head : Brigitte GAGEY Assistant : Deborah IORO 5 engineers 5 technicians Systems & Communication Philippe PIERROT Systems Administration Micro-computing Scientific & technical computing facilities Networks & associated services Telephony Data Management Jean-Marie ROCHAT Management Information System Technical Information System Machine & BeamLines databases Users’ tools Control & Data Acquisition Software Alain BUTEAU Process management Supervision Man-machine Interfaces System Administration of the Control & Data Acq. Infrastructure 9 engineers 5 technicians Control & Data Acquisition Hardware Pascale BETINELLI CPCI crates PLCs, FieldBus Digital Electronics Analog Electronics Associated Cabling 5 engineers 4 technicians The Soleil Computing Division is organized in four teams. People are grouped by field of work and skills, to have coherent tools and developments and to be able to adapt the man power to the workload all along the phases : more on the machine control during the first building phase and progressively transferred to the beamlines and experiments. First, the System and Communications Group is in charge of all the administration and exploitation of computers, scientific facilities as technical facilities. Micro-computing and networks (it includes site network and also control network or experiments network). Second, the Data Bases Group is in charge of the administrative Management Information System, a key system for the good working of the company. In charge of the engineering data management : to give access to all the documents of the project, drawings, and so on. And at last, this group is in charge of the management of experiments data to allow storage and retrieving of experimental data and so on. Third, the software controls and acquisition group is in charge of the software aspects for the control of machine, beamlines and experiments and support experimental data acquisition. It includes softwares to co-ordinate the running of each set of equipments, the man-machine interfaces for the operators, experimentalists and the process to manage the devices. At last, the electronics group is in charge of the hardware aspects. Control and electronics groups work in a close collaboration 4 engineers 2 technicians SR group GD group ICA group ECA group

6 ECA Group The ECA team is in charge OEM Electronics
PLC CPCI Motion System Timing System Specific developments Timing system Processing local analog I/O (SPI boards) Processing encoder signal ….

7 .. SOLEIL context and organization 2) Motion control status
Soleil in few figures Computing division and ECA group 2) Motion control status Hardware architecture and products Software architecture and microcodes embedded Results Plans Current developments New requirements and Revolution

8 Motion control issues. Requirements define the objectives of motion control systems Large number of axes more than 1200 motors, distributed on the site Changing Applications particularly near the sample environment High availability in 2010 operating for 6120 hrs, 24 hrs a day for 4 to 9 weeks , overall availability measured: 96.3% High performance a high level of requirements for some applications (accuracy, stability, etc.)  Using standardized products  Easy to use and easy to maintain  Reliability, based on industry  Flexibility, adapting to the best technical solution

9 Standardization: first results ..
Stepper motor 4 phases, bipolar Encoder incremental TTL, or absolute SSI or analog ControlBox integration of motion controller DriverBox power unit Standardized Cables Adapted to main static positioning needs Open technology Reliable and easy to configure Industrial open standard Stand-alone rack independent from power unit Multiaxis and easy to use, from a major company Rack for reliable power board based on industrial products Connectors and cables are clearly defined industrial products.

10 Hardware architecture ..
Standard power unit incremental TTL or absolute SSI Control Unit Generic Products Standard Motor Mechanism DriverBox Midi ingenierie boards Stepper 4 phases bipolar Encoder Ethernet Tango Device Server Standard Signals x8 maximum Local applications ControlBox User I/O specific power unit Specific Encoder Specific Products Example: servo motor, 3 or 5 phase stepper, ceramic motor, sine/cosine encoder, etc. Converter Specific Galil DMC2182 microcode Flexible architecture : standard and specific products (standard signals used: pulse & direction, +/-10V) local applications (microcodes) included in the ControlBox A set of Tango Device has been developed and standard connectors are defined

11 Motion controller . Criteria: flexible, easy to use, reliable and cost-effective Our choice: multipurpose stand-alone 8-axis controller Galil DMC2182 and extended I/O board DB28040 with Specific Firmware (option: encoder SSI, extended memory, ceramic motor) Mains features: Motorola 32-bit microcomputer 24 KB non-volatile memory (microcode and variables) Ethernet 10Mbps Port and RS232 port 8 individually configurable axes stepper, servo, ceramic Encoder: incremental, absolute SSI or analog, or none Dual loop for servo motor (2 encoders) I/O auxiliary by axis:1 logic input, 2 logic outputs, 1 analog input Up to 8 low-level programs running simultaneously (microcode) Generic and specific Microcode developed by Soleil Advanced functions Master-slave mode Complex Trajectory with several motors, etc.

12 Hardware development : ControlBox .
Standard motion control rack: ControlBox Integration of Galil Controller board and standard connectors Objective: easy to use, easy to maintain, cost-effective key features Format 19’’ – 3U 2 power supply on rails: 24VDC and 5 VDC By axis 1 Sub-D 15 male connector: Motor 1 Sub-D 15 female connector: Encoder 1 Sub-D 9 female connector: Auxiliary

13 Hardware development: Power Boxes .
The power units: Integration of manufacturer driver boards in a rack with standard connectors Objective: easy to use, easy to maintain, cost-effective DriverBox: Power unit for stepper motors (Midi Ingenierie board) VacuumBox: Power unit for stepper motors in vacuum (Phytron board) higher motor temperature could stop current

14 Software Architecture .
Generic Microcode: Embedded low level software developed by Soleil. Microcode key features Data exchange with Tango Device Motion process For each axis Software security, e.g. : enable or disable movement, motor on, etc.. Complex strategy for ‘Homing’ (limit-switch, encoder index, etc.) Soleil Remote Control management Master/slave axis management For stepper: Discontinuous closed loop Backlash and progressive approach Static and dynamic error compensation Static loop to compensate slow drift

15 Specific microcodes . Some specific microcode developed by Soleil
Embedded software dedicated to security and low-level processes Motion in RF Cavity: Phase loop control using RF Low-Level Electronics Security for Infra-Red mirror motion in storage ring links with machine interlock system Security for MRSV Diagnostic motion using heat sensors Security for tilt and roll of tripod mirror using inclinometer Security for 2 linked motors used to lift a table control parallel translation and limit inclination Security for bending mirror (stepper motor without encoder) calculation and limit of max bending value Security for ceramic motor in vacuum (Nanomotion products) computation and limit Duty Cycle (MotorOn/MotorOFF) to avoid motor overheating Collision avoidance : calculation and limitation of range of motion

16 Some devices and pannels

17 Standard equipment park .
In May 2011: 1183 stepper motors and 443 standard Motion Boxes are operational Machine Beamlines Total ControlBox 38 182 220 Driverbox 36 118 154 VacuumBox 2 57 59 Stepper axis 140 1043 1183 SpietBox 8

18 Other equipment . In May 2011:
107 non-standard motors and 35 non-standard power supply racks but controlled by ControlBox Motor technology Power unit (crate) Axis Equipment concerned Stepper 5 phases 8 36 monochromator sample support Servo (DC, brushless) 11 20 Monochromator, Diffractometer heavy grider Ceramic piezzo 16 51 mirror and sample support total 35 107 / And 244 motors on 37 equipments for specific applications not controlled by our standard controller =5 different types of controller Number Equipement Motor technology Motion controller Axis 21 Motorized Magnetic Insertions stepper 3 phases PLC berger Lahar 107 6 Diffractometer Servo and stepper Microcontrole XPS 82 8 Hexapod stepper 4 phases Delta tau PMAC 48 1 micro hexapod Servo PI-E712 Main axis monochromator Torque motor 37 Total / 244

19 Results . At the present time, the initial objectives have been achieved and the motion systems work Costs are controlled and no delay in providing working systems Reliable hardware: Few items of equipment returned to supplier Galil auxiliary I/O board and Power 5VDC of ControlBox are more sensitive but rate is tolerable (5%) Efficient and reliable software: very few interventions during operation 2 completely different versions for satisfactory results. Ethernet communication stability problem resolved Performances are sufficient today for almost all applications

20 .. SOLEIL context and organization 2) Motion control status
Soleil in few figures Computing division and ECA group 2) Motion control status Hardware architecture and products Software architecture and microcodes embedded Results Plans Current developments New requirements and Revolution

21 microcode developments
Low level Software Specific Microcode: Biaxial tensile machine Axis management to control mechanical force and deformation Specific Microcode: collision avoidance 2 axis Calculation and limitation of range of motion for simple applications, we can develop and implement a specific firmware very shortly.

22 ServoBox ServoBox: New power unit for servo motors
Rack very similar to DriverBox Directly compatible with ControlBox ServoBox contains Standardized connectors Power supply: 24VDC (logic) et 48VDC (1KW to motor) Fans and back plane board 4 slots for 4 power board Preliminary study and specification written by Soleil 5 rack manufactured and available Power Board SDB10 based on an Elmo Whistle OEM component Numeric amplifier for DC or brushless motor Rated output current: 10A (Voltage 48V) Feed back by resolver or incremental encoder Signals managed: limit switch, thermal sensor, brake Entire design by Soleil (electronics and mechanics) Prototype debugging in progress

23 SPI Board Package What is the SPI* board package? Objective
This is a set of electronic boards developed by the ECA group. These boards can be connected together in a daisy-chain manner and communicate with the controller via SPI Bus. Objective To obtain a platform allowing us to build the specific solution with simple and open tools. To provide solutions for applications with synchronization requirements (continuous scan). To implement the process at a low level, that is advantageous for us to obtain the best performance. To connect easily to the Soleil control network. This platform enables us to deliver solutions for applications with an analog interface or motion interface (encoder side). * Serial Peripheral Interface

24 SPIETBOX . SPIETBOX: Encoder Tool BOX (SPI board)
A SOLEIL product that adds new features to motion systems 2 Encoder inputs 2 Encoder outputs, 4 TTL Outputs, 1 TTL out put, 1 aux Port (4 TTL outputs, 4 TTL inputs) Reprogrammable FPGA  Flexible use Example: Copy encoder signals Protocol transfer 12-bit SSI  25-bit SSI Quadrature Incremental signals  Pulse & DIR Adder encoder signals Trigger generation from encoder signals Etc. Works in standalone or connected to a controller board (SPIController)

25 New requirements Control HEXAPOD - Stewart Platform 6 axis
Generate and control complex trajectories Integration of direct and reverse kinematic equations into standard motion controller and devices. To be able to replace controller being used with a standard solution Nanopositioning Be able to position an axis at few nanometers and keep this position by compensating externals disturbances. A new loop with external sensor (eg interferometer) Synchronization Be able to synchronize several axis and several sensors to make continous scan over comples trajectories.

26 What is our future? . In the future, to retain the use of standardized products, we need to improve our products Open our standard to other technologies E.g. ServoBox for brushless motor, or SPIETBOX for protocol transfer Increase features and performances available for new applications E.g. Hexapod, nanopositionning We must consider the next standard controller Because Galil has a new generation controller (Accelera products) Our standard Galil DMC 2182 is used for 8 year and comes from the previous generation and it will be discontinued in few time (but when ?) We need a new motion controller to maintain SOLEIL at a high level of performance the new controller must be  faster  more powerful in calculation ? Tomorrow Today

27 REconsider Various contrOLler for yoUr moTION
Revolution SOLEIL starts an upgrade of its motion controller MAX IV needs to define an up-to-date motion system architecture and to select a controller. SOLEIL and MAX IV have similar requirements - reliable, - performing - flexible & similar guidelines the main idea is “costs & time effective “ that means - no or few in-house development - standardization of hardware - modular solution - ready to use and complete solution So we start a technical collaboration to work together on this REVOLUTION REconsider Various contrOLler for yoUr moTION

28 Questions . ?

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