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HERa MEasurement of Spin

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1 HERa MEasurement of Spin
Collaboration of 180 phys., 33 Inst., 12 Countries Introduction to polarised DIS Prerequisites Polarised structure functions The Spin of the Nucleon Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

2 fascinated by spin …. N. Bohr W. Pauli
“You think you understand something? Now add spin…” -- R. Jaffe W. Pauli N. Bohr Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

3 What is Spin ? Stern-Gerlach (1921): Uhlenbeck, Goudsmit: (1925)
[ Stern-Gerlach (1921): Uhlenbeck, Goudsmit: (1925) explanation of atomic spectra quantum number: ms=1/2 Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

4 What is Spin ? Spin and Symmetry: [S.Hawkins: A brief history of time]
2x360o spin: spin: 1 math: antisymmetric wave function 180o o Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

5 is spin important ? Pauli principle … MATTER FORCES
obey Pauli principle antisymmetric under exchange of identical particles Fermi-Dirac statistics: Fermions half integer SPIN MATTER don’t care for Pauli principle symmetric Bose-Einstein statistics: Bosons integer SPIN FORCES Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

6 how to study the proton spin ?
… deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) “deep” high resolution: “inelastic”  proton has structure Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

7 DIS cross section leptonic part of the xsection
hadronic part of the xsection  contains info on proton structure + strong interaction effects leptonic part of the xsection  independent of proton structure  can be calculated explicitely Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

8 hadronic tensor parametrised by structure functions
(Lorentz symmetry, current conservation, parity, ecc.) momentum distribution of quarks QPM: helicity distribution of quarks Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

9 helicity densities Dq because of helicity conservation, the virtual photon can couple only to a quark of opposite helicity by changing the orientation of target nucleon spin or the helicity of incident lepton beam we can select q+(x) or q-(x)  Dq Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

10 the nucleon spin structure
gluons are important ! don’t forget the orbital angular momentum! QPM: EMC (‘88) DS=0.123 ± ... Spin Puzzle SLAC, CERN, DESY: Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

11 polarised deep inelastic scattering
inclusive dis exclusive dis inclusive hadrons polarised beam and/or polarised target semi-inclusive DIS flavour separation Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

12 Hermes @ DESY Stern-Gerlach separation self-polarised electrons: e
Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

13 how to measure xsections / asymmetries
q = const. E’ = const. Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

14 how to measure g1 virtual photon asymmetry:
Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

15 how to measure g1 Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

16 the integral of g1 helicity distributions
(polarised quark distributions) Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

17 sum rules for g1 violated Bjorken sum rule: (isospin symmetry)
Bjorken sum rule 8% C.L. violated Ds=0 Bjorken sum rule: (isospin symmetry) fundamental QCD prediction related to axial charges of proton: measured in weak baryon decays Ellis-Jaffe sum rule: Ds=0 Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

18 Dq from g1(x,Q2) parameterised one step further: evaluate parameter
minimisation : evaluate parameter Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

19 Dq and DG from g1(x,Q2) Duv Du Ds Ds Ddv Dd
Duv and Ddv (quite) well determined Duv Du Ds Ds Ddv Dd Dq and DG weakly constraint by data need more direct probes flavour separation DG Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

20 polarised semi-inclusive DIS
, z=Eh/n probability that struck quark of flavour f fragments into hadron of type h with energy fraction z flavour tagging p+ ud fragmentation function K- us p- ud distribution function Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

21 polarised semi-inclusive DIS
polarised parton distribution functions ! known quantities hadron asymmetries to be measured Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

22 particle identification
double radiator RICH for p / K / p separation aerogel: n=1.03 C4F10: n=1.0014 Cerenkov light emission: Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

23 quark/anti-quark helicity distributions
PURITY is an unpolarised quantity needs at least six independent asymmetry sets A1h(x) to determine six unknown helicity distributions: Du, Du, Dd, Dd, Ds, Ds Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

24 measured hadron asymmetries
proton incl p+ h+ deuteron p- h+ h- p+ p- K+ K- incl h- h- p- K- us all sea objects x x Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

25 purities conditional probability that g* hits a quark of flavour q when hadron of type h was detected u u d d s s p+ K+ p- K- Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

26 quark/anti-quark helicity distributions
u quarks large positive polarisation d quarks negative polarisation sea quark (u, d, s ,s) compatible with 0 no indication for Ds < 0 - Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

27 ? where do we stand the (spin) structure of the nucleon … HERMES:
first glimpse H1, ZEUS,++ HERMES CERN RHIC SLAC ? HERMES, ++ Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

28 don’t forget the orbital angular momentum
hard exclusive processes… exclusive dis polarised beam and/or polarised target g Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

29 missing mass technique: Mx2=(p+q-Pg,p )2  s(Mx)~0.8 GeV
2005++ e+ detected missing mass technique: Mx2=(p+q-Pg,p )2  s(Mx)~0.8 GeV NOT detected Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

30 ? ? where do we stand the nucleon puzzle is going to be completed
the (spin) structure of the nucleon … HERMES: first glimpse H1, ZEUS,++ HERMES CERN RHIC SLAC HERMES CERN RHIC JLab KEK …ecc. transversity ? UPCOMING: HERMES JLab lecture by its own ? HERMES, ++ Preface | Introduction to polarised DIS | Prerequisites | polarised Structure Functions | the Spin of the Nucleon ___Delia Hasch _______________________________________________________________Spin Physics at HERMES________

31 outlook to further HERMES activities
what happens in a nuclear medium:

32 outlook to further HERMES activities
what happens in a nuclear medium: reduction of multiplicity of fast hadrons  hard partonic + soft hadron interaction cold hot nuclear matter

33 outlook to further HERMES activities
exotic states

34 template Thank you !

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