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Bullet Trains Summer Bridge 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Bullet Trains Summer Bridge 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullet Trains Summer Bridge 2011
Alex Fitzgerald Josh Cayton

2 What are bullet trains? High speed rails (HSR) Average speed 150mph – 186mph Fastest passenger train transportation

3 Where do bullet trains come from?
Early German research Japan and the Shinkansen The introduction of bullet trains to the world

4 How do bullet trains work?
The tracks of the train are extremely level. Welded rails to reduce vibration M skip to 1:43

5 China China is the leading county for the amount of high speed rails China In Operation Under construction 6,158 14,160

6 Electromagnets ( Maglev Trains )
The basic principle of magnetic levitation

7 Maglev (cont.) Sending electricity though magnets The tracks are lined with electrified coils that allow the train to not have an engine.

8 References High-speed rail." wikipedia. N.p., 8/3/2011. Web. 3 Aug < "High-speed rail." wikipedia. N.p., 8/3/2011. Web. 3 Aug < Bonsor, Kevin. "HowStuffWorks "How Maglev Trains Work"."HowStuffWorks "Science". N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Aug < equipment/maglev-train.htm>. Brains, Marshall. "How Electromagnets Work." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Aug < ustries+shinkansen_bullet_train.jpg

9 Acknowledgements We would like to thank: Dr. Tashakkori Dr. Burris Dr. Kurtz Dr. Palmer Dr. Bennett

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