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5 Meeting Other HR Goals Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations

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2 5 Meeting Other HR Goals Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
Managing Human Resources Globally Creating and Maintaining High-Performance Organizations

3 Managing Human Resources Globally
1 5 C H A P T E R Managing Human Resources Globally HRM in a Global Environment Factors Affecting HRM in International Markets Human Resource Planning in a Global Economy Selecting Employees in a Global Labor Market Training and Developing a Global Workforce Performance Management across National Boundaries Compensating an International Workforce International Labor Relations Managing Expatriates

4 Ch. 15 Learning Objectives
Summarize how the growth in international business activity affects human resource management. Identify the factors that most strongly influence HRM in international markets. Discuss how differences among countries affect HR planning at organizations with international operations. Describe how companies select and train human resources in a global labor market. Discuss challenges related to compensating employees from other countries. Explain how employers prepare managers for international assignments and for their return home.

5 HRM in a Global Environment
The environment in which organizations operate is rapidly becoming globalized. Why? What is the impact of globalization on human resource activities?

6 Employees in an International Workforce
Employees in a global company may come from: Parent country – where an organization’s headquarters is located Host country – where an organization operates a facility other than the parent country Third country – neither the parent or the host country of an employer Expatriates – employees assigned to work in another country

7 Levels of Global Participation

8 Test Your Knowledge Hans works for a company who’s headquartered in France and has foreign operations in Germany, only. Hans is a citizen of the Netherlands. Which of the following is most likely true? Hans works for a domestic company and is from the parent country. Hans works for a multinational company and is from the host country. Hans works for a global company and is from a third country. Hans works for an international company and is from a third country.

9 Factors Affecting HRM in International Markets

10 Five Dimensions of Culture

11 How did the US score? A= True, B= False
The US scored relatively high in individualism. The US scored high in femininity. The US scored low on uncertainty avoidance.

12 Selecting Employees in a Global Labor Market
Many companies send employees to assignments in foreign countries. What characteristics of employees for foreign assignments should be considered?

13 Emotional Cycle Associated with a Foreign Assignment

14 Training and Developing a Global Workforce
Table 15.1

15 Test Your Knowledge Employees from a high-power distance culture would feel most comfortable in a training class that: Involved several group activities with classmates The teacher was the expert and responded definitively to all questions The teacher acted as a facilitator of group discussion None of the above

16 Foreign Assignments Would you consider taking a foreign assignment for a 6 months to 1 year duration? A=Yes, B=No Before you took on a foreign assignment, what would you want to know?

17 Cross-Cultural Preparation
Training to prepare employees and their family members for an assignment in a foreign country Three phases: Preparation – language instruction and an orientation to the foreign country’s culture Assignment – combination of formal program and mentoring to understand the foreign country’s culture Returning - providing information about the employee’s community and home country workplace

18 Cross-Cultural Preparation
Figure 15.7

19 Compensating an International Workforce

20 Managing Expatriates In the US 16-40% of expatriates do not complete their assignment Challenges with managing expatriates include: Selection Preparing Compensating Managing Performance Repatriation

21 Selecting Expatriate Managers
A successful expatriate manager must have the ability to: Maintain a positive self-image Foster relationships with the host-country nationals Perceive and evaluate the host country’s environment accurately

22 Compensating Expatriates

23 Repatriation Repatriation Activities that support repatriation:
The process of preparing expatriates to return home from a foreign assignment Activities that support repatriation: Communication Validation

24 Test Your Knowledge Rachel, an expatriate working in Japan is feeling very uncomfortable in her surroundings. She often feels as if she has said the wrong thing. Rachel is most likely in which emotional stage of expatriation: Honeymoon Culture shock Learning Adjustment

25 Video – Outsourcing Do you believe the argument that outsourcing is about gaining jobs although down the road? Explain. Do you believe this outsourcing trend can be reversed? Explain.

26 Video – Jobs on the Move Give your personal opinion of outsourcing. How do you perceive it has or will impact you personally? Do you agree with the reference to tempering corporate greed made in the video? Explain. Discuss how the outsourcing trend affects the manner in which organizations currently manage human resources. Discuss how this trend will affect future HR management.

27 Video – Jobs on the Move Let’s say you own a large service company that employs 1,000 people. You can save millions of dollars per year by outsourcing work to India. However, 500 jobs would be sacrificed here at home. Many of these workers have been with your company since you started it. Explain why you would outsource the work. Explain why you would not outsource the work.

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