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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

August 2014

2 Agenda Difference between HRM & Personnel Management
Contribution of HRM to the organizational Purposes Role & Responsibilities of Line Managers Affect of Legal and regulatory Framework Planning in HRM Stages of planning Motivation and HRM Monitoring employee performances Employment Cessation References

3 HRM & Personnel management
Difference between HRM & Personnel Management HRM & Personnel management Personnel management Continuous process that brings growth and evolution Includes acquiring and assimilating skills and expertise HRM Resembles personnel management in many ways with an exception that this process is marked by the involvement of strategic approaches and having a philosophical touch Storey defines personnel management as an orthodox approach while HRM as a new and different approach It is the function of the enterprise that helps them in the process of selecting suitable employees, recruiting them, training and developing them.

Contribution of HRM to the organizational Purposes Hrm – CONTRIBUTING TO ORGANISATIONAL PURPOSES It oversees all the activities of an individual from its entry to exit in the organisation It is integral part of planning of the human resource It conducts the analysis and the design of the jobs The process of recruitment and selection of the employees are in the purview of the HRM It enhances the employee performances by organizing programs for training and the development of the employees

Employee Engagement – He is responsible to appreciate employees to participate in communication and increase in employee participation Performance Appraisal – They judge and rate overall performances of employees in the process of appraisal Provide valuable feedback to employees about their performances and improvement of the shortcomings Discipline at the work place – The policies of the HR department helps the line managers to set expectations regarding the disciplined code of conduct Performance related hike in the pay scale- Line managers inputs on the performance of individuals are an important source of determination for the Human Resource department

6 Affect of legal & regulatory framework on hrm
Affect of Legal and regulatory Framework Affect of legal & regulatory framework on hrm Civil Rights Act VII (1964) - No employee should be discriminated on the basis of colour, religion, origin, race or sex Age Discrimination prohibits employers to hire and fire people of 40 years and above ages Fair Labour Standards Act sets a minimum wage for hiring employees by the businesses. This wage is revised periodically The Federal Family and Medical leave Act - Employees falling under the legislation of this act can take up to 12 weeks of leave that is unpaid during the course of a year. 26 weeks for employees caring for a service person eligible Federal laws guides the employers the treatment given to employees with a physical disability or medical problems. No employee with any physical disability should be mistreated or underprivileged

7 Reasons for Planning in hrm
Analyse the staffing requirement of the organisation Helps aligning the practices of the human resource management in the way that favours and benefits the goals of the organisation Control the demand and supply of labour Control the budget by planning the methods of downsizing the cost of management of workforce Helps the HR department to devise the programs for the training and development Also helps them analyse how to cut down the cost for recruitment

8 Stages of planning the hr rEQUIREMETS
Assessing the present strength and capacity of human resources in the firm Forecasting the requirements of the human resources in the future Performing a gap analysis Development of the strategies in the human resource department in support of the organisational goals

9 the link between motivational theory and reward
Motivation and HRM the link between motivational theory and reward Traditionally it was believed that financial rewards are the prime factors that motivate the employees This theory induced the variable pay systems in the 1990s to enhance the performance The theory of reinforcement stresses, that there should be a clear statement of results expected from the employees in order to focus on their achievements and rewards There should be stress on financial as well as non-financial rewards to motivate the employees

10 effectiveness of reward systems
Leads to the formation of an effective team Fosters the feeling of motivation amongst the employees and they consider the team above their own self-interest, working in a coordinated fashion Impulse to generate motivation and effectiveness It enhances the ability of the members of the team makes employees feel being recognised and increases their loyalty and devotion towards the firm thy work for, causing retention and low turnover.

11 Methods to monitor performances
Monitoring employee performances Methods to monitor performances Organisations watch how the employees work Organisations also use one on one conversation with the employees Self-monitoring employees is also efficient Reviewing work in progress regularly

12 reasons for cessation of employment
Employment Cessation reasons for cessation of employment Reducing Budget of the organisation Poor Attendance Poor Performances Inappropriate Behaviour and Attitude

13 impact of the legal and regulatory framework
The employer has the government mandate to terminate the employment on giving a minimum notice period Employers receive regular pay package in the notice period The regulations state whatever may the reason be there should be a written notice provided for the cessation of employment The decision for dismissal should be fair and uniform Employee can demand a written statement mentioning the reasons for dismissal if he or she has served the company for a period of minimum two years The employer has to provide a reason for ceasing the employment within 14 days of the employee asking for it

14 rEFERENCES References
Amstrong, M. (2007). How motivation theories affect reward management. In M. Amstrong, Armstrong's Handbook of Reward Management Practice: Improving Performance ... (pp ). Kogan Page Bandt, A., & Haines, S. G. (2002). Successful Strategic Human Resource Planning. Systems Thinking Press. Bruce, T. (2010, 20 5). "There are Five Ways to Monitor Employee Performance" - See more at: Retrieved 8 24, 2014, from HR Openworld: Hardy, S., & Upex, R. (2012). The Law of Termination of Employment. Jordon Publishing. Harris, M. M. (2008). Basic Compensation Practices: Job Evaluation, Salary Surveys,and Pay Structures. In M. M. Harris, Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (pp ). Taylor & Francis Group.


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