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Text: Child’s diseases. Rickets Grammar: Relative clauses

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1 Text: Child’s diseases. Rickets Grammar: Relative clauses
Lesson 54 Text: Child’s diseases. Rickets Grammar: Relative clauses

2 Read and translate the text Rickets
Rickets is a disease of the bones and is due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Most foods, including animal milk, are poor in Vitamin D, but if a child is eating well and is healthy, his body can manufacture Vitamin D on exposure to sun. Therefore, it is important for children to remain outdoors as much as possible. Breast milk has an adequate amount of this vitamin. Rickets results in delayed sitting, crawling, walking and so on. The legs become bowed and ends of bones near the wrists and ankles become widened. There may be beading on both sides of the chest, also called rickety rosary. There may be bowing of arms or legs due to weight-bearing while crawling and walking. Treatment of rickets is with Vitamin D and the dose will be determined by the doctor.

3 Vocabulary 1.rickets – рахит 5.amount – көлемі
2.deficiency – жетіспеушілік 6.wrist – білек manufacture – шығару 7.ankle – тобық 4.remain – қалу 8.treatment – ем Answer the questions 1.What is rickets? 2.What can rickets result in? 3. What is treatment of rickets?




7 Relative clauses / Анықтауыш бағыныңқы сөйлем Анықтауыш бағыныңқы сабақтас сөйлем басыңқы сөйлемнің анықтауышы қызметін атқарады да, what? which? Деген сұраққа жауап береді. Басыңқы сөйлеммен жалғаулықсыз немесе who, whom, whose, that, where, when қатыстық есімдектері арқылы жасалады For ex: The man who was here yesterday is a painter. Кеше осы жерде болған адам суретші.

8 WHO:is used to join two sentences about people.
Ex;Edison was a person.He invented the light bulb. The person who invented the light bulb was Edison.

9 Which: is used to join two sentences about things or animals.
GRAMMAR Which: is used to join two sentences about things or animals. Titanic was a large ship.It sank in Atlantic. The large ship which sank in Atlantic is Titanic.

10 He is my father. He is reading a book.
RELATIVE CLAUSES-WHO He is my father. He is reading a book. The man who has a crown is my father. His name is Marconi.He invented the radio The man who invented the radio is Marconi.

WOW is an English book.It teaches English Language The book which teaches English Language is WOW.

12 The person who discovered America was Colombus.
PRODUCTION Colombus was a sailor. He discovered America The person who discovered America was Colombus. Panda is a kind of bear. It lives in China. Panda is a bear which lives in China.

13 Minziya is a secretary who works with a computer.
She works with a computer. Minziya is a secretary who works with a computer. Aygul is a vet.She helps pets. Aygul is a vet who helps pets.

14 It has wonderful flavour.
PRACTICE Rose is a flower. It has wonderful flavour. Rose is a flower which has wonderful flavour. This is a spacecraft.It travels the space. This is a spacecraft which travels the space.

15 Exercise 1. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using 'that' or 'who' and a relative clause: Example: She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete) She worked for a man who used to be an athlete. 1.They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby) 2. I sent an to my brother (my brother lives in Australia) 3. The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly) 4. We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father). 5. I dropped a glass (the glass was new). 6. She loves books (the books have happy endings) 7. They live in a city (the city is in the north of England) 8. The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper).

16 Exercise 2. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using a relative clause: Example: The man was late (Julie invited the man) The man Julie invited was late. 1. The doctor was sick (I wanted to see the doctor). 2. I wrote to the friend (you met the friend last week). 3. John made a copy of the photo (I took the photo). 4. The mobile phone can’t be fixed (the mobile phone is broken). 5. I met a girl (the girl was a doctor). 6. The accountant was arrested (the accountant works for my father’s company). 7. I broke the plate (the plate was a wedding present). 8. She wrote to her friend (her friend lives in Vietnam)

17 Tests

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