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2 Preliminary details: Name of the teacher trainee : Mary Sheenu. R Subject : English Unit : Wings and wheels Subunit : A ship wrecked sailor Class : VIII Duration : 40 min

3 Curricular statements:
Pupil develops basic skills of language. Learner becomes an efficient user of English language. Learner acquires skills of fast reading. Learner gets enriched with vocabulary. Specific learning outcomes: Learner gets an awareness of the difficulties faced by man when they are in the middle of the sea. Learner understands about raft. Learner is able to understand the images of shipwreck.

4 Teaching – learning Resources:
Content Analysis: A ship wrecker sailor is a story written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It describes a long story of Luis Alejandro Velasco, a twenty year old sailor, who was washed overboard during a storm in the middle of the Caribbean sea, February 28, 1955. Pre-requisites: Learner is familiar with the ship and the sailor. Learner knows the destructing power of sea. Learner knows about the difficulties faced by the person when they are in the middle of the sea. Teaching – learning Resources: Course book, source book, black board, vocabulary presentation, power point presentation of the author, teacher’s version, images, Advanced Oxford Learner’s Dictionary.

5 Learning activities: Classroom procedure: Informal talk:
Teacher establishes a rapport through an informal interaction with the students. Teacher: Good morning. : Do you like to go to beach? Entry activity: Teacher asks some questions to make the students enter into the lesson. ‘ Teacher shows the picture of sea’ Teacher: What is in this picture? :Do you like sea? :Are you afraid of the sea?

6 Link talk: Today we can learn a long story ‘A Ship wrecked Sailor’ written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Teacher writes the name of the story and the author on the B.B. It is a short story of Luis Alejandro Velasco, a twenty year old sailor.

7 Micro processing of the input:
Reading aloud by the teacher: Teacher reads the first paragraph of the story with correct pause, stress, pronunciation etc. Silent reading by the learner: Teacher makes the learner read the passage silently without lip movement and fingering beneath the line.

8 Sharing with peers/ pairs:
Teacher instructs the students to share their doubts, their understanding with their peers/pairs. Global comprehension questions: Who is the main character in this story How old is he?

9 Detailed word study: Teacher asks the students to find out the difficult words. Teacher megaphones those words and writes on B.B. Teacher presents vocabulary through different techniques.

10 Detailed comprehension questions:
Teacher asks some questions for comprehension. What was Velasco’s first impression? Where did the ship plunge into? What happened to the ship? What did he take hold of? What did he begin stupidly? How was the day? What did the wind and cargo produce? Is there any evidence of a ship wreck?

11 Group activity: Teacher divides the class into various groups, and gives them an activity. (Teacher shows images in the laptop) Here are some images based on the first paragraph. They are not in the correct order. You have to put them in correct order.

12 The cargo scattered across the surface.

13 2.Velasco took hold of one of the bobbing crates.

14 3. The ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared.

15 4.Choppy waves were produced by the wind.

16 5. Velasco was in the middle of the ocean.

17 6. It was a perfectly clear day.


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